Message from @Olympian Inquisitor

Discord ID: 727595261857366087

2020-06-30 18:39:13 UTC  

Obama got more black people killed by whipping up race hate.

2020-06-30 18:39:19 UTC  

He is a POS.

2020-06-30 18:39:32 UTC  


2020-06-30 18:39:39 UTC  

Also blm only goes after cops and white people they don’t ever try to help black people who live in poverty or have a bad home

2020-06-30 18:39:48 UTC  

democrats still be using blacks for their benefits

2020-06-30 18:40:16 UTC  

Being in Australia I take his bungling, malicious incompetence personally as he watched Chyna become a serious threat to our region.

2020-06-30 18:40:16 UTC  

Organizations rarely ever help those they represent, if they did there wouldnt be such a huge disparity

2020-06-30 18:41:30 UTC  

Whats up guys

2020-06-30 18:41:32 UTC  

His ineptitude and cuckoldry led to the overthrow of Gaddafi that destabilised Europe, and internally he weakened the US through causing racial tension to grow.

2020-06-30 18:41:33 UTC  

i think letting people work their way out of poverty is better and good for the long run

2020-06-30 18:41:43 UTC  

Also cops kill more white people than black people in a year iirc

2020-06-30 18:42:10 UTC  

And to top it all off he helped foment a revivalist mentality in much of the Islamic world.

2020-06-30 18:42:18 UTC  

Last year alone 19 white people were killed by cops. compared to 9 black people

2020-06-30 18:42:34 UTC  


2020-06-30 18:42:47 UTC  

Over 600 were killed i believe...

2020-06-30 18:42:48 UTC  

The world needs a revival in Islam in the same way we need cancer to come out of remission.

2020-06-30 18:42:49 UTC  

Yeah unarmed, forgot that while i was tyoun

2020-06-30 18:43:08 UTC  

Also notice how these feminists never care for middle eastern woman who are oppressed and treated like garbage in the Muslim Middle East

2020-06-30 18:43:38 UTC  

entitled women

2020-06-30 18:43:38 UTC  

Kinda funny how lefties push for so called "human rights" but then support islamic countries

2020-06-30 18:43:48 UTC  

Ironic ain't it

2020-06-30 18:43:55 UTC  


2020-06-30 18:43:55 UTC  


2020-06-30 18:43:56 UTC  

Feminism is not about women either. Power. The left is inherently hedonistic/narcissistic.

2020-06-30 18:44:05 UTC  

Hm, makes you think

2020-06-30 18:44:11 UTC  

Reject modernity embrace the nuclear family

2020-06-30 18:44:31 UTC  

Feminism is about blaming all their problems on men

2020-06-30 18:44:51 UTC  

Blaming your life problems on other people won’t get you very far in life

2020-06-30 18:45:03 UTC  

If you constantly look for reasons to be oppressed you will find them

2020-06-30 18:45:03 UTC  

Speaking on behalf of Islamic women is of no benefit to western women, so why would they? Plus it increases the risk you may hear some dude yell "Allahu akbar" at you if you get my meaning...

2020-06-30 18:45:19 UTC  


2020-06-30 18:46:04 UTC  

These western feminists should visit the Middle East and see what true oppression looks like

2020-06-30 18:46:59 UTC  

"brooo men get 50/50 control over children??? Oppression!!!!"

2020-06-30 18:47:05 UTC  

Yep. Men should do 12 months military service, women should do 12 months in Saudi Arabia.

2020-06-30 18:48:07 UTC  

Let them learn how to make a good sammich in obedient silence.

2020-06-30 18:48:44 UTC  

Also another thing Muslims hate homosexuals

2020-06-30 18:49:14 UTC  


2020-06-30 18:49:49 UTC  

There's not a lot of gaiety in Islam...

2020-06-30 18:50:09 UTC  

One thing about feminist that really pisses me off is abortion. Now I'm pro choice to an extent but pro life has nothing to do with men trying to control a womans body