Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 728060228909924395

2020-07-02 01:18:41 UTC  

I usually like to stick to actual peer reviewed medical journals, but these days...

2020-07-02 01:19:12 UTC  

When all those peers are just goes right out the window.

2020-07-02 01:19:40 UTC  

Also, on the record transtrender= someone jumping on the trans movement who isn't really dealing with body dysmorphia because its the new edgy thing, kind of like wicca when I was in high school

2020-07-02 01:20:00 UTC  

I can see that

2020-07-02 01:20:05 UTC  

Like Al Sharpton, they're doing more harm than good

2020-07-02 01:21:03 UTC  

Al Charlatan pisses me off, though. A "reverend" that just cares about one group of people under certain circumstances...He's a race baiter

2020-07-02 01:22:10 UTC  

I really don't care if someone legitimately is trans, that's their life, their struggle. Its not an easy life and because of the trenders, other psychological factors are bwing ignored so doctors can keep from getting canceled. Makes me wonder if the Hippocratic Oath is another bygone relic

2020-07-02 01:22:57 UTC  

Agreed. I've spoken with people who deal with gender dysphoria. This movement is causing a lot of issues.

2020-07-02 01:24:03 UTC  

Kids have been coming out as trans just because it's "trendy"

2020-07-02 01:25:37 UTC  

That's a big reason I stand firmly against the hormone blockers and stuff for kids. That's something irreversible for someone who may just be confused or going through a phase.

2020-07-02 01:25:45 UTC  

I'll take you one further mate, I've made out with a couple trans women and would never have known if they hadn't outed themselves. My response was simple, I appreciated their honesty, and I was willing to stay friends, but the physical attraction ended at that point. They were surprisingly cool with that

2020-07-02 01:26:18 UTC  

Yeah, but somehow you're a transphobe if you're not attracted to them...

2020-07-02 01:26:44 UTC  

When my sister was in kindergarten she cried because she learned that she wouldn't become black. Kids are indeed stupid

2020-07-02 01:26:46 UTC  

@Deleted User look at that reality tv kid...Amazing something or other....went to get the surgery and the hormone blockers stunted his penile growth to the point it wasn't possible

2020-07-02 01:27:42 UTC  

In the medias eyes, yeah I'm transphobic. To the actual people themselves, we stayed friends for years after until I had to relocate

2020-07-02 01:27:43 UTC  


2020-07-02 01:27:55 UTC  

@KumquatLord bingo! Thats the one

2020-07-02 01:28:58 UTC  

I think a lot of that was pushed on the kid, too.

2020-07-02 01:30:41 UTC  

Like real talk, no one here, outside of trolls that the mods are taking care of, seems like a person I wouldn't have a beer with. No ists, no phobes, just a genuine concern for where we are going as a country, as a people. Why the hell are we the bad guys?

2020-07-02 01:30:45 UTC  

It does reek of child abuse

2020-07-02 01:31:25 UTC  

I didn't know about the hormone blockers and stunted growth part. I quit paying attention after a bit. Got too disgusted with the whole thing.

2020-07-02 01:31:31 UTC  

The media is the enemy of the people

2020-07-02 01:32:22 UTC  

Which moves to social media, which moves to the homes of people who have no interest in this fight. They're the ones getting fired for saying they don't agree with the flavor of the week and I fucking hate it

2020-07-02 01:32:50 UTC  

Honestly, I think it's more than just flavor of the week...

2020-07-02 01:33:16 UTC  

@Deleted User the flavors are all still around, there's just a new favorite every other week

2020-07-02 01:33:24 UTC  

I'm pretty convinced there's more screwed up reasons to push these things further.

2020-07-02 01:33:51 UTC  

Attrition sets in and they move through the cycle

2020-07-02 01:35:01 UTC  

Surprise surprise, its to keep dividing us further. Easier to placate. What groups like this have is unity. I'd wager we're all to the right of those moron, even those of us who fall on the "liberal" side of the compass

2020-07-02 01:35:20 UTC  

Hell, I probably do, but I'm right of them, so I'm automatically a klansman

2020-07-02 01:36:09 UTC  

Division is one part of it. Of course, divide and conquer. But, honestly, I'm very concerned about this push to target even kids.

2020-07-02 01:36:46 UTC  

Kids are a tool. They prop them up, we tear down the "argument" and they say we're attacking children

2020-07-02 01:36:54 UTC  

Get em while they're young and ignorant

2020-07-02 01:37:29 UTC  

I hate to use the n word, but the nazis used the tactic. It works. No one decent wants to be seen as attacking a child.

2020-07-02 01:37:43 UTC  

Easier to take away their rights...if they don't know it's their rights.

2020-07-02 01:38:09 UTC  

I agree with them being used as tools. At the same time, people are also trying to normalize pedo crap. They're making mental illnesses look normal.

2020-07-02 01:38:43 UTC  

Whoever controls the youth...

2020-07-02 01:39:26 UTC  

controls the future

2020-07-02 01:40:03 UTC  

The Nazi party was irrefutably horrendous, but the tactics they used early on are effective. The reason we're on the "wrong" side is because we won't use them. That's our virtue, those who fight throw their own bodies into the fray, not innocent proxies

2020-07-02 01:40:51 UTC  

Honestly I actually support trans people and their right to legally change their gender, and I would call a trans person their preferred gender or whatever, but these SJWs now have "non-binary" and extra genders and shit, and that is where I have a problem. But what do I know I am just an evil straight white cis male

2020-07-02 01:41:30 UTC  
