Message from @kyzercube

Discord ID: 729167210769023057

2020-07-05 02:48:04 UTC  

no, I have no social media at all

2020-07-05 02:48:06 UTC  

Or do they have you blocked/unfriended

2020-07-05 02:48:10 UTC  


2020-07-05 02:48:19 UTC  

except discord but that is it

2020-07-05 02:48:21 UTC  

You should get some anonymously and see if you can access the videos

2020-07-05 02:48:34 UTC  

Then let every single one of their family members know

2020-07-05 02:48:34 UTC  

Yes you should

2020-07-05 02:48:48 UTC  

and these videos only go around the school some more and make more people laugh at me

2020-07-05 02:48:50 UTC  

@AWOIII That's technically illegal

2020-07-05 02:48:51 UTC  

It may be a pain, but do it

2020-07-05 02:48:54 UTC  

You know, with these fireworls goin off, be the perfect time for someone to invade or some nefarious goons to start their commie revolution because the fireworks would hide the sounds of gunfire

2020-07-05 02:48:58 UTC  

My sophomore algebra teacher is a chick that coaches... everything. Algebra isn't that hard. Her ideals are hard core lesi retard tho. Yeah..think I'll coach all the girls teams this year. And next year. Until I'm principal because praise Obama.

2020-07-05 02:48:58 UTC  

You could actually sue their parents for that

2020-07-05 02:49:09 UTC  

Dont sue them though

2020-07-05 02:49:20 UTC  

Itll just ruin your rep even more and cause more hate

2020-07-05 02:49:33 UTC  

If they're underage, yeah you can literally file a lawsuit against their parents for posting you on their social media

2020-07-05 02:49:42 UTC  

Im not saying you cant

2020-07-05 02:49:44 UTC  

@AWOIII think more of a marathon than a sprint... Have ur middle finger ready as u roll up on ur new ride years later. Thank me later. 😉

2020-07-05 02:49:51 UTC  

I tried to like threaten one of them by telling the fucker that I would report him to the school staff or whatever, and he just sneered and ignored it

2020-07-05 02:49:52 UTC  

Im recommending that you dont

2020-07-05 02:50:10 UTC  

Yeah because no one reveres the law anymore

2020-07-05 02:50:13 UTC  

Nothing is enforced

2020-07-05 02:50:48 UTC  

im not an expert in law but im not sure you can just sue somebody becuase you're on their social media. i mean if there was like defamation involved maybe

2020-07-05 02:51:01 UTC  

they have like this little group dedicated to following me around while I am walking in the halls and recording me and fucking with me

2020-07-05 02:51:07 UTC  

It only works if you yourself are not on social media

2020-07-05 02:51:11 UTC  

Just use your phone in your pocket to record them, and hand the footage over the police

2020-07-05 02:51:19 UTC  

I do not have any social media at all

2020-07-05 02:51:23 UTC  

Then it will work

2020-07-05 02:51:23 UTC  

get some

2020-07-05 02:51:26 UTC  

Do you have a phone

2020-07-05 02:51:31 UTC  

Even if it's just to report them

2020-07-05 02:51:37 UTC

2020-07-05 02:51:38 UTC  

You can also sue the school if they don't comply to enforcement

2020-07-05 02:51:39 UTC  

Just record the audio or try to get some video footage

2020-07-05 02:51:46 UTC  

So I am completely out of the loop abt what the fuck goes on that may even involve me

2020-07-05 02:51:58 UTC  

I maybe could get video of them following me

2020-07-05 02:52:26 UTC  

Audio would work too

2020-07-05 02:52:39 UTC  

what about harassment charges instead of suing cuz im not completely sure of the suing part but it seem to fit harassment

2020-07-05 02:52:39 UTC  

This is exactly why I stay away from social media. It's an advantage when someone tries to exploit.

2020-07-05 02:52:53 UTC  

The only decent fucking people in my life are my family, my neighbor and his family, and you guys on here.

2020-07-05 02:52:55 UTC  

Get a restraining order for harassment