Message from @Hanimikyu

Discord ID: 729791504058417193

2020-07-06 19:46:38 UTC  

Thank you 🙂 How is everyone this fine day?

2020-07-06 19:46:51 UTC  

Good how are u doing?

2020-07-06 19:47:49 UTC  

This video offends me and makes me sad

2020-07-06 19:48:54 UTC  

Not to bad. Just tired of it raining Every Day! It tricked all of my seedlings 🙂

2020-07-06 19:49:13 UTC  

Yeah it’s super hot here

2020-07-06 19:51:06 UTC  

Not Super hot for July here, (probably for most people Not in SC) but I am So tired of the rain. It aggravates my body LOL

2020-07-06 19:51:47 UTC  

I wish we would get aome rain

2020-07-06 19:52:17 UTC  

was like 92 F

2020-07-06 19:52:36 UTC  

I would gladly bottle the clouds and send them to you if I could LOL

2020-07-06 19:56:15 UTC  

Man tiktok is cancer

2020-07-06 19:56:21 UTC  


2020-07-06 19:56:24 UTC  

India banned it for a reason

2020-07-06 19:56:33 UTC  

We should follow their example

2020-07-06 19:56:46 UTC  

Though i have seen some funny things on it

2020-07-06 19:56:52 UTC  


2020-07-06 20:01:31 UTC  

I don't twit, I don't instagram, I don't Pinterest, I try not to FaceF*&k, and I do Not TikTok

2020-07-06 20:04:45 UTC  

Never will I ever tik tok

2020-07-06 20:05:05 UTC  

Genuinely believe it’s a form of mind control

2020-07-06 20:05:16 UTC  

Friggin China

2020-07-06 20:10:31 UTC  
2020-07-06 20:10:53 UTC  

@MickMudd1966 cchilling and ugh cramping

2020-07-06 20:15:14 UTC  

Sorry did get offended by the stupid meme about lan d ing on the moon

2020-07-06 20:17:43 UTC  

I just watched a compilation of Tucker's burns and oh my God.

2020-07-06 20:17:44 UTC  

I can't breathe.

2020-07-06 20:18:05 UTC  

I can't even drink my ice tea because I'm afraid I'll choke from the laughter.

2020-07-06 20:20:44 UTC  

@CPT MAL @alpinedz if you want to just post links and videos, <#716301165104726048> or <#719777555242287115> would be better. check the channel topic, we prefer to keep general chats from being cluttered.

2020-07-06 20:21:42 UTC  

Gotcha, I looked through the room description for News, Covid shouldn’t be political so I didn’t want to drop it there. @Wardog

2020-07-06 20:22:04 UTC  


2020-07-06 20:22:44 UTC  

@CPT MAL yeah, i guess youre right. it really shouldnt be political, but sadly thats the world we live in. we are considering making a "News" channel, but <#716301165104726048> is probably the go to for the time being, links/images are fine in general if it pertains to an ongoing discussion.

2020-07-06 20:23:24 UTC  


2020-07-06 20:29:34 UTC  


2020-07-06 20:48:13 UTC  

@Wardog#8806 sup

2020-07-06 20:50:53 UTC  

Hello folks, am pretty new on Discord, now sure how it works but just thought I'd say hi 👍

2020-07-06 20:51:34 UTC  

hello, you will learn it pretty quick

2020-07-06 20:52:21 UTC  

Thanks Dstar_Destroyer, I've tried to look online how to use it, but it's confusing, but thanks for your words 🙂

2020-07-06 20:54:38 UTC  

hello kiddos

2020-07-06 20:55:06 UTC  

Tik Tok is the utter low of our society

2020-07-06 20:55:19 UTC  

yes, no disagreement there

2020-07-06 20:55:29 UTC  

And Thot's and porn are in the lower parts of the utter lows

2020-07-06 20:55:48 UTC  

They can all equally be bad

2020-07-06 20:55:58 UTC  

And the simps