Message from @Horse Meat
Discord ID: 730140771201843321
@AWOIII I don't really care if anybody watches it either. I just won't cause I just don't like it
I watch Trailer Park Boys
Search them up
you will not be disapoited
that show is......
i mostly watch count dankula and sargon of akkad
It's great
Count dankula
my man
lol now that guy is amazing
wasn't he arrested
here are no mods on
he was one of the stupidest arrests in the uk
wasn't it for offending someone?
or something like really stupid
he taught his dog to hail hitler
wut lol
I need friends
yeah and have him happily react to "gas the jews"
it was clearly a joke and a fucking hilarious one
All my friends are leftists
dumb sensitive people
I'm sorry for your loss Fetus
I cant laugh at jokes with them
for they get offended
i'll brb
Mine are too.
He is a wonder to our world
My friend told me the other day that Trump hates black people and mexicans
and yes
best voice ever