Message from @henry t.
Discord ID: 753804349276422204
gasoline is for amateurs 😛
I hate it when they do that. When they can’t win with facts they insult you. And it’s funny because their life is miserable.
||it's free real estate||
Is it though?@SpaceDandyJoestarGG
> Im planning to make a armored personal carrier with a 32mm gun on it
@Diabeł Boruta
Killdozer 2?
@kyzercube yo
Lol idk what y'all are talking about
@Rusty_Fork If you didn't see the Dankula Madlad on Killdozer, watch it!
Ive been on the toilet for about 20 minutes contemplating if I am going to write an essay thats due tomorrow
The one thing I absolutely love about Dankula's _Absolute Madlads_ episodes is that he brings out the deviled details like History Channel did back in the day when they recorded and documented raw nature.
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i'm ted wheeler
that's my joke
And I am Moe Lester
Master of deception
i am mike hunt
E. Norma Stitz is my grandma
I wonder if there's going to be a 4chan hunt for Ted Wheeler's secret location like they did with Shia LaBeouf's cameras.
That would probably be distasteful doxing though.
Damnit it just sucks sometimes when you can't do what the Left does all the time and gets away with it.
It's only " Killdozer 2.0 " if there's no way in or out of it 😛
I can’t wait the Durham probe to be released. Everyone from Mitch McConnell to soros is in that thing. THAT is the October surprise
All hail killdozer
That's the Republican October surprise and it would be fantastic. The indictments rolling off the table like lemmings rushing to the sea day in day out.
We already know what the Democrat Oct. surprise is going to be. The 4 cops in the Floyd case are going to be found not-guilty
Yeah, Republicans in a Soviet vehicle
It's inevitable.
He had so much fentanyl in his system...
They're going to use that as a final hail Merry racism extravaganza
What the wildfires?
What wildfires? You mean the ones that all those people were playing an adult version of _show me mine and I'll show you yours_ ?
And that wasn't a " camp " Idk about you guys but that looked like the biggest padded cell I've ever seen!
midwest (northern) is best for weather so far
Was talking about the firebug that got arrested in Oragon
south east gets tornadoes/hurricanes