Message from @Killermanjer

Discord ID: 753955723523653712

2020-09-11 12:25:20 UTC  

my mom was watching fauci be questioned by jennifer garner

2020-09-11 12:25:54 UTC  

when I asked why she was taking an actor's advice she said something along the lines of "she's a mother and shes popular"

2020-09-11 12:25:56 UTC  


2020-09-11 12:27:06 UTC  

speaking of 9/11

2020-09-11 12:27:21 UTC  

most people forgot what happens AFTER 9/11

2020-09-11 12:27:40 UTC  

was it iraq or iran. yeah.

2020-09-11 12:27:50 UTC  

tens of thousands of americans lose a family member?

2020-09-11 12:28:05 UTC  

my dad had a friend who was killed in 9/11

2020-09-11 12:28:14 UTC  

hundreds, if you count distant family

2020-09-11 12:28:19 UTC  

she was a flight attendant who got stabbed to death on the plane

2020-09-11 12:28:24 UTC  

not to mention the other 77 countries who had a citizen killed

2020-09-11 12:29:22 UTC  

90+ countries, my bad, not sure where i got the number 77 from.

2020-09-11 12:29:36 UTC  

> tens of thousands of americans lose a family member?
@Killermanjer see for a man who wants people to learn history your understanding is lacking.

2020-09-11 12:29:47 UTC  

No, it is not at all

2020-09-11 12:29:51 UTC  

lots of people died from cancer from the dust too

2020-09-11 12:30:03 UTC  

so I'd estimate maybe 20,000 killed

2020-09-11 12:30:08 UTC  

A portion of what I wrote for an announcement today

> That day, many lives were lost, __**Never Forget.**__
> On the four planes a total of **two hundred, and forty six** civilians were killed on impact.
> Between the north, the south tower, and the Pentagon **two thousand, two hundred, and fifty eight** civilians lost their lives that day.
> **Three hundred and forty three** FireFighters lost their lives that day, at the scene of the world trade center.
> **Seventy one** Law Enforcement officers lost their lives that day, at the scene of the world trade center.
> **Fifty five** Military personnel lost their lives in the Pentagon.
> **A law enforcement officer** died when United Airlines Flight 93 crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
> __**Never Forget.**__
> Since that day, there have been other related deaths and illnesses caused by the act of terror, that occured on 9/11/2001.
> **One thousand, one hundred, and forty** civilians have been diagnosed with cancer.
> More than **One thousand, four hundred** rescue workers lost their lives in the following days and months.
> In addition, over **Ten thousand** First Responders were diagnosed with cancer after the event.
> Saddest of all, **Eleven** or more children were not born.

2020-09-11 12:30:28 UTC  

do not assume things, sir.

2020-09-11 12:30:41 UTC  

Never forget

2020-09-11 12:30:46 UTC  

after 9/11 the stupid president launch an attack that will both lose thousands of soldier and will permanently make iraq a 3rd world shithole.

2020-09-11 12:30:52 UTC

2020-09-11 12:30:56 UTC  

my estimate was way too high

2020-09-11 12:31:04 UTC  

but you only care about the 9/11 victims haha

2020-09-11 12:31:36 UTC  

contrary to your beliefs, allowing evil to go unfettered, is a bad idea.

2020-09-11 12:33:37 UTC  

not that but among us i'm the only person who knows both sides of the story. :)

2020-09-11 12:34:39 UTC  

If someone murders someone, do you seek justice? how about if they murder two people? how about if the murder 2,974?

2020-09-11 12:37:15 UTC  

like I said you only cared about the deaths in 9/11 how about the retaliation in Iraq? not everyone there is a terrorist they died anyways.

2020-09-11 12:38:29 UTC  

A man chooses what he does what his life, some men, choose to defend themselves when attacked. Some men, choose to defend their country when attacked. And some men, choose to die for their country.

2020-09-11 12:41:25 UTC  

then you understand when Germany became pro, Hitler? since they chose to not be enslaved by the treaty?

2020-09-11 12:42:03 UTC  

Also, if 2,974 murders aren't enough, and the extra deaths of thousands of people because of the attack, how about the attempted murder of an additional 13,000-15,000 people. If that isn't a just cause for a war, please do tell me what is.

2020-09-11 12:43:50 UTC  

You mean the Treaty of Versailles? The Treaty from WWI that lead to WWII because it left Germany in an unfavorable position. You know, something about the end of WWII and not just leaving Germany be afterwards makes me think they remembered the Treaty at the end of WWII.

2020-09-11 12:44:30 UTC  

I guess knowing history and learning from it really pays off. Thanks for making the argument for us!

2020-09-11 12:45:13 UTC  

Thankyou for backing me up, I haven't learnt much about nazi germany, other than the small amount that was taught in school 👍

2020-09-11 12:46:38 UTC  

No problem.

2020-09-11 12:47:07 UTC  


2020-09-11 12:48:04 UTC  

as you said, I'm a "boy", regardless of the fact that I'm a legal adult, you shouldn't expect me to know everything

2020-09-11 12:50:00 UTC  

> I guess knowing history and learning from it really pays off. Thanks for making the argument for us!
@Froski now apply this smugness in the case of 9/11

2020-09-11 12:50:06 UTC  

i rest my case. :D

2020-09-11 12:51:03 UTC  

9/11 we were attacked by a terrorist organization. I guess Al-Qaueda learned their lesson because we haven't had anybody attack us in America for 19 years.

2020-09-11 12:52:18 UTC  

that's the end?

2020-09-11 12:52:34 UTC  

i guess you skip the bombing and war and shif.