Message from @HarleyQuinn
Discord ID: 753986278390890616
Sick of this stupid shut
Yeah, asians can be racist too y'know lol.
do you even know what the "message" of blm?
redpilled everyone
a higher % of black people, are far more racist than white people, however, that will probably change in a few years, and there will most likely be a generation of very racist white children, if this persists
look this is how NOT to be a republican
I have had BLM brainlets actually tell me that black people can't be racist....
@HarleyQuinn it’s on their website
Those chucks just saw Black people as superior to other races.
That’s the new definition
Their actual agenda involves getting rid of "white privlilege", Globalism, anti-capitalism, etc. It's on their website, you can read the actual agenda.
no wonder how lefties doesn't last here long hahaha
bloody hell.
And they call for the destruction of the nuclear family
Which would end up hurting black people even more
Black privilege is committing most of the crime then tossing the blame onto whites
amazing how you @ me and place a video perfect for you in this chat.
What the actual fuck does "white privilege" even mean? BLM's agenda is all about it, but if I disagree with said organization, I am racist.
the lack of self aware is amazing on this one.
Pardon me, have I, and we, not been debating you, for the last 2+ hours?
But like what are you even arguing for?
Right it sounds he’s saying nothing
There’s never any real argument
White privilege means that you are a privileged because you have white skin
Always with these people
If you are actually pushing the braindead take that BLM riots are "peaceful" idk what to even tell you
> But like what are you even arguing for?
@AWOIII that despite the shitty practice most blm protest is truly peaceful.
Do you believe that most cops are good?
i like that you leave "mostly" on it but go on.
> Do you believe that most cops are good?
@SamTheG aye
It was what
And yet it’s still destructive even when it is “peaceful” it’s literally causing division out of NOTHING
Last year when NYT tweeted "2 planes took aim"
> Do you believe that most cops are good?
@SamTheG um yeah, most of them wanna help make the cities safer
> And yet it’s still destructive even when it is “peaceful” it’s literally causing division out of NOTHING
@Strive bad Strive bad Strive bad exactly
@docdizzle666 I never though this day would come