Message from @HarleyQuinn
Discord ID: 753990984592785518
oh lord....
I keep seeing black people hate Candace but none of them are providing an argument for why??
Wtf you gonna ban me bro?
I'm not even drunk now
I usually only get banned when I've been drinking
And no, I'm not banning anybody, but that is part of the confusion
(not this server, but others)
Candace seems pretty intelligent to me but what do I know
we could just call them
Might be easier
@Killermanjer call me Bet~~a~~o
-.- I am not sure that would help @Killermanjer
are u sure 750420606691967026
Beta? okay!
Usually, I do call them that when the ban comes through, but that is confidential.
I will
Jo Jorgensen 4 prez
I can’t vote
Who dat
I've been old enough to vote for 15 years
I'm not sure if Illinois will allow me to vote
Jesus I'm old
I’m a yung boi
Yea but is Jesus old?
Jo Jorgenson is the Libertarian candidate. Still, Trump 2020.
I’m for trump this election
She is indeed the libertarian candidate
Gimme machine guns and marijuana or give me death
I disagree with her stance on abortion.
bruh the military-war channel alone had a post from @SnowWhite❄ who is a guildy of mine in WoW check it out! Pretty compelling to vote for Trump 🙂