Message from @DrewDaPilot

Discord ID: 766487013146230814

2020-10-16 02:23:49 UTC  

"proud boys are white supremacists" <:Brainlet:752612764287238240>

2020-10-16 02:23:53 UTC  

with his comment "stand by and stand back"

2020-10-16 02:24:00 UTC  

There going around where I live In Virginia.

2020-10-16 02:24:03 UTC  


2020-10-16 02:24:07 UTC  

Yeah trump mentioned them in the debate

2020-10-16 02:24:11 UTC  

one liberal tried to argue proud boys were white supremacists

2020-10-16 02:24:13 UTC  

He did lol

2020-10-16 02:24:20 UTC  

because they had connectiions to other people who had connections to "white supremacists"

2020-10-16 02:24:29 UTC  

One of the few things I could fucking understand on that debate.

2020-10-16 02:24:44 UTC  

imagine the mental gymnastics liberals go through every day to distort the world

2020-10-16 02:25:02 UTC  

All i really heard clearly was Biden telling trump to “SHUT UP MAN”

2020-10-16 02:25:04 UTC  

Without double standards, Dems would have no standards at all.

2020-10-16 02:25:04 UTC  

@AWOIII he just said "stand by and stand back" when wallace asked about proud boys

2020-10-16 02:25:09 UTC  
2020-10-16 02:25:12 UTC  

funniest shit lol

2020-10-16 02:25:27 UTC  

I still think its hilarious my parents think Kamala didnt lie

2020-10-16 02:25:35 UTC  


2020-10-16 02:25:36 UTC  

"trump called the virus a hoax" >>> false

2020-10-16 02:25:37 UTC  

Not once, huh?

2020-10-16 02:25:41 UTC  

Tbh Ive never been in a server like this and im just happy to be here, I like everyones opinions almost and the ones I dislike I dont comment on, and no one else comments on stuff I say that they dislike. Im just happy that everyone here is so respectful and nice.
Thank you

2020-10-16 02:25:44 UTC  

"Biden has been very clear he wont ban fracking" >>> ehhh?

2020-10-16 02:25:48 UTC  


2020-10-16 02:25:51 UTC  

so many lies

2020-10-16 02:26:06 UTC  


2020-10-16 02:26:15 UTC  

they asked me who won

2020-10-16 02:26:21 UTC  

as soon as I said pence

2020-10-16 02:26:34 UTC  

they tried to warn me that he wanted to do "terrible things" to me

2020-10-16 02:26:40 UTC  

"We're gonna repeal tax cuts."
"We aren't going to raise taxes."
She uttered both of these statements. They're mutually exclusive, one of them *must* be a lie.

2020-10-16 02:26:44 UTC  

ie kill me 😂

2020-10-16 02:26:58 UTC  

imagine the fear mongering

2020-10-16 02:27:18 UTC  

like its so intellectually dishonest to fear monger my developing political opinions like that

2020-10-16 02:27:21 UTC  

luckily I dont fear anything

2020-10-16 02:27:24 UTC  

Yay home from work!!!!

2020-10-16 02:27:27 UTC  

2 truths and one lie is the game but for kamala its like, *all lies and no truths*

2020-10-16 02:27:32 UTC  

I dont fear death; I dont fear liberals, so their logic doesnt work

2020-10-16 02:27:53 UTC  

the conservatives rarely if ever fear monger

2020-10-16 02:27:58 UTC  

I have never seen conservative fear mongering

2020-10-16 02:28:01 UTC  

yet, the democrats use it daily

2020-10-16 02:28:04 UTC  

it says something really

2020-10-16 02:28:15 UTC  

*When trump makes a simple comment.. *


When joe Biden says: “They want to put y’all back in chains!”
“I love kids jumping on my lap!”

Democrats: “hmm.. uhh.. WAIT, TRUMP SAID THIS!”

I’m like what the fuck.

2020-10-16 02:28:25 UTC  

@Bear I’ll explain