Discord ID: 768495656800878662

2020-10-21 15:25:45 UTC  

> so i will work to contribute, but if there is a 62% tax and I make 100$ I only get to keep 38 dollars

2020-10-21 15:25:50 UTC  

A mixed economy is capitalism with socialist characteristics.

2020-10-21 15:25:53 UTC  


2020-10-21 15:25:55 UTC  


2020-10-21 15:26:02 UTC  

> so i will work to contribute, but if there is a 62% tax and I make 100$ I only get to keep 38 dollars
@AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] have you heard of tax brackets <a:skek:767930857305669664>

2020-10-21 15:26:05 UTC  

Ok then, sorry.

2020-10-21 15:26:11 UTC  

my nitro runs outsoon

2020-10-21 15:26:15 UTC  


2020-10-21 15:26:19 UTC  

ah hes switched the name again

2020-10-21 15:26:23 UTC  


2020-10-21 15:26:29 UTC  

its what i go by it these parts

2020-10-21 15:26:37 UTC  

and then jer kicked me out for literally no reason

2020-10-21 15:26:42 UTC  

yes I remember why I tried to debate you as (?)

2020-10-21 15:26:51 UTC  

like i didnt even break any rules nobody agreed his jusgement

2020-10-21 15:26:57 UTC  

not even other mods

2020-10-21 15:27:12 UTC  


2020-10-21 15:27:13 UTC  


2020-10-21 15:27:15 UTC  


2020-10-21 15:27:15 UTC  

Ok mates, let's all talk about a thing we agree on: Fuck the BLM movement!

2020-10-21 15:27:20 UTC  

i like blm

2020-10-21 15:27:22 UTC  

but its gone wayward, off to go do something that's worth while

2020-10-21 15:27:44 UTC  

Fuck the proudboys

2020-10-21 15:27:45 UTC  


2020-10-21 15:27:52 UTC  


2020-10-21 15:28:01 UTC  

i love that emote

2020-10-21 15:28:04 UTC  

legit too good

2020-10-21 15:28:05 UTC  

Imo, if you want to please both sides left and right, mixed is probably the best, but Capitalism is the second best option

2020-10-21 15:28:45 UTC  

BLM threw a molotov cocktail into my uncle's truck and burnt it out

2020-10-21 15:28:51 UTC  

Nope capitalism is better

2020-10-21 15:29:07 UTC  

> BLM threw a molotov cocktail into my uncle's truck and burnt it out
@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty dang that sucks

2020-10-21 15:29:19 UTC  

> BLM threw a molotov cocktail into my uncle's truck and burnt it out
@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty dang

2020-10-21 15:29:22 UTC  

mixed economies can be defined as capitalist

2020-10-21 15:29:26 UTC  


2020-10-21 15:29:31 UTC  

unless if your definition of capitalism is anarcho capitalism

2020-10-21 15:29:32 UTC  


2020-10-21 15:29:34 UTC  


2020-10-21 15:29:35 UTC  

Thank God I live in a conservative area lmao

2020-10-21 15:29:49 UTC  

Cali wouldA killed me if I lived in la

2020-10-21 15:29:51 UTC  


2020-10-21 15:30:24 UTC  

but like havent gender reveal parties done more damage to the U.S. than BLM and antifa

2020-10-21 15:30:24 UTC  

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