Message from @KyrosTheWarrior
Discord ID: 768823581894508574
That's nu bueno
Not sure if children are watching the Mainstream News.
mm like the companies
i meant
> Has anyone lost a friend already for supporting trump?
@BrightPopz No, because they weren't friends to begin with.
because isn't
> @BrightPopz No, because they weren't friends to begin with.
@KyrosTheWarrior yes, like a week ago
she got mad at me for not supporting blm
good point
> Has anyone lost a friend already for supporting trump?
@BrightPopz No, cause most of my friends are liberals, but I don't even bother talking about it with them. I love my friends and I'd rather keep them from saying nothing instead of getting into a fight about who goes with who to lose em.
when they start the argument, i'm not going to get bashed
literally most of my friends are liberals, but they are the type that goes on their story and says
I sometimes lie to my friends so they don't leave me.
im going to win the argument
if you're a trump supporter i want nothing to do to you
Well, I got a girl-friend and she's...
so i confront you obviously
people are tr
She tries to understand why I'm a conservative and doesn't hate me
If you have a different world view, your relationship will not last
trying to frame Giuliani
But she can still call me a racist with a straight face.
Like you can be a bit different politically, but if it's insanely different, then it won't work
Yeah, doesn't sound like a great thing
I’m back
welcome back
There was a season where everybody hated on the:v
Which was understandable