Message from @its_Jimmy

Discord ID: 769752148685881365

2020-10-25 02:38:11 UTC  


2020-10-25 02:38:17 UTC  

Yeah, Vote the thing, yeah, stop trolling, get outta here.

2020-10-25 02:38:19 UTC  

Joe Biden for the graveyard 2020

2020-10-25 02:38:21 UTC  

I actually find it somewhat entertaining.

2020-10-25 02:38:29 UTC  

graveyard 2020

2020-10-25 02:38:40 UTC  

Technically joe didn't do anything wrong. Stuck in his own imagination believing we support him.

2020-10-25 02:38:41 UTC  

He's been here for months lol

2020-10-25 02:38:47 UTC  

Yes he is but he isn't breaking rules at the moment

2020-10-25 02:38:52 UTC  

@Clemens im getting the dead vote

2020-10-25 02:38:55 UTC  

joe biden for that... that thing <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288>

2020-10-25 02:38:57 UTC  

guys govenor whitmer had a small sticker/sign of some sort behind her during an NBC interview that had the numbers 86 over 45. Which is a direct reference to killing trump. and she was on tv for the attempted kidanpping and saying how trump was the hateful one. YOU CANT MAKE THIS UP

2020-10-25 02:38:57 UTC  

the "Joe Biden" trope does wear thin after weeks and weeks...

2020-10-25 02:39:12 UTC  

Partisan republicans

2020-10-25 02:39:13 UTC  

It's been months Bobius lol

2020-10-25 02:39:21 UTC  

have been making fun of me for years

2020-10-25 02:39:29 UTC  

It's kinda annoying

2020-10-25 02:39:33 UTC  

i will link it in gen 2 so you call can see its real

2020-10-25 02:39:44 UTC  

Maybe he will stop after the election is over

2020-10-25 02:39:56 UTC  

after I win

2020-10-25 02:40:00 UTC  


2020-10-25 02:40:13 UTC  

too busy fixing the country

2020-10-25 02:40:13 UTC  

Goodluck joe

2020-10-25 02:40:20 UTC  

Yeah let's see you try and take away our assault weapons away again.

2020-10-25 02:40:26 UTC  

Good luck with that one Joe.

2020-10-25 02:40:38 UTC  

I wish you a pleasant death because Kamala will be president if you are elected

2020-10-25 02:40:39 UTC  

I dare you to try.

2020-10-25 02:41:21 UTC  

Civil war 2.0, 2020 edition red team vs. Blue team

2020-10-25 02:41:27 UTC  

BIden expected to have a 50% of breaking 400 electoral votes

2020-10-25 02:41:52 UTC  

Damn it's ashame that joe died and Kamala is president

2020-10-25 02:42:10 UTC  

50% chance? come on joe spit a sentence out properl

2020-10-25 02:42:13 UTC  

> Civil war 2.0, 2020 edition red team vs. Blue team
@Clemens That’ll be the shortest war in US history...

2020-10-25 02:42:27 UTC  

I cnat

2020-10-25 02:42:29 UTC  


2020-10-25 02:42:38 UTC  

I need a bedtime story

2020-10-25 02:42:58 UTC  

> I need a bedtime story
@its_Jimmy You need a ban, for overstaying your trolling

2020-10-25 02:43:13 UTC  

There was once a ugly seahorse that was so ugly everyone died the end

2020-10-25 02:43:16 UTC  

Bro, done with you

2020-10-25 02:43:25 UTC  


2020-10-25 02:43:32 UTC  


2020-10-25 02:43:33 UTC  

it is old

2020-10-25 02:43:33 UTC  

> @its_Jimmy You need a ban, for overstaying your trolling
@SubtleSara Chill out.. he isn’t breaking any rules