Message from @Scarface6305
Discord ID: 769993424497147965
@SRW go check out colter wall brewery sessions
He is a good one
Tucker's laugh is amazing xD
I agree
Y'all can just check my Spotify account to get an idea of what I listen to
Wrong chat sry
@Scarface6305 alright
It's the truth
Who in here wants to join the military, or already is in it? Just click the check reaction
@AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] I agree i like Hannity too and Glenn Beck.
I feel like Biden and bernie should just go home and enjoy their retirement, in a few recent pictures Bernie looks tired and sad.
@Scarface6305 I would've but couldn't with my asthma
Crowder, Ben, Zed,
I like most of the 5.
Oh thats sad
Not Juan
Also bc ive always wanted to
I walk away for two seconds and someone goes and brings up the McDreamy of Conservatism...Tucker freaking Carlson.
@Scarface6305 that's good. I wanted to so bad too since I had it under control but still couldn't it made me upset a bit.
I'm joining in 2021 when hopefully this virus fades out and im old enough
Dang that would upset me a bit too
I dont always get mad or upset but when i do its for a reason
@Rjwii_1 the virus wont fade out, but by than we will probably have it under control (the vaccine and will have more knowledge abt it)
Covid will always be apart of life
doesn't matter anymore
Wow the chat just got quiet
how old is tyler
they gonna lock us down till it goes away?
you'll never work again and just starve
@Squidward Testicles (Muricagang) I think late 20's
I thought that was gonna be a chain of the word "hi" but i guess we are too mature for that lmao