Message from @JDButAPilot🇺🇸

Discord ID: 770502863029010442

2020-10-27 04:20:57 UTC  


2020-10-27 04:20:58 UTC  

he’s no commie tho!

2020-10-27 04:21:08 UTC  

No one here is a commie.

2020-10-27 04:21:14 UTC  

no u

2020-10-27 04:21:15 UTC  

Commies don't sign up for uncle sam

2020-10-27 04:21:18 UTC  

No we all commies now comrade

2020-10-27 04:21:21 UTC  

Dr prof badass sir, or dpb what is your pfo

2020-10-27 04:21:24 UTC  


2020-10-27 04:21:32 UTC  

@Jakie Bakie I just think of black slush, busting my ass on slippery slush and black ice, having to shovel, having to put 5 jackets on, dusting off my car for an extra 20 minutes and worrying if my car will go into a ditch. Such fun lol. I like hot cocoa but I like coffee even more i drink hot coffee year around so no difference for me lol.

2020-10-27 04:21:53 UTC  


2020-10-27 04:22:00 UTC  

should of added coffee.

2020-10-27 04:22:03 UTC  

@Drayko 191cm yeah plus palm trees are wonderful. Wish we had some here. 😓

2020-10-27 04:22:08 UTC  

sorry about your ass XD

2020-10-27 04:22:46 UTC  

@KingZapapple Commies join the army men join the marines, airforce, coastguard, national guard, CAP, ROTC, space force, or the navy.

2020-10-27 04:22:46 UTC  

> @Drayko 191cm yeah plus palm trees are wonderful. Wish we had some here. 😓
@SRW they are wonderful to look at not to maintain those prickly ass needles hurt

2020-10-27 04:22:58 UTC  

I believe in free speech. I think that makes me a commie these days

2020-10-27 04:23:07 UTC  

> @KingZapapple Commies join the army men join the marines, airforce, coastguard, national guard, CAP, ROTC, space force, or the navy.
You commie fuk -_-

2020-10-27 04:23:08 UTC  

> @SRW they are wonderful to look at not to maintain those prickly ass needles hurt
@Drayko 191cm florida is where hou can cut em down and steal em

2020-10-27 04:23:12 UTC  

@Jakie Bakie coffee is definitely an addiction lol. I can't go a morning without a cup of Joe.

2020-10-27 04:23:16 UTC  

what about rangers?

2020-10-27 04:23:17 UTC  

@ChooChooMagoo No that makes you a nazi

2020-10-27 04:23:20 UTC  
2020-10-27 04:23:22 UTC  

yes man

2020-10-27 04:23:35 UTC  

What did you join mr commie? The walmart commitie?

2020-10-27 04:23:42 UTC  

@Jakie Bakie it's fine i was being funny. I hold on to railings now so if I slip I end up just doing a moon walk. 😂

2020-10-27 04:23:48 UTC  

I also have tiki hut

2020-10-27 04:23:49 UTC  

Florida is also where you can throw an alligator through a Wendy’s drive thru

2020-10-27 04:23:50 UTC  

> @Drayko 191cm florida is where you can cut em down and steal em
@Jakie Bakie

2020-10-27 04:23:50 UTC  

Or Antifa?

2020-10-27 04:23:57 UTC  

i shit my pants

2020-10-27 04:24:03 UTC  

@Jakie Bakie it's nancy Pelosi lol

2020-10-27 04:24:05 UTC  

@Drayko 191cm yeah never maintained one but they're amazing looking haha.

2020-10-27 04:24:11 UTC  


2020-10-27 04:24:14 UTC  

Nope CAP GES emergency response team. I'm the one putting out fires not you.

2020-10-27 04:24:14 UTC  

god nancy

2020-10-27 04:24:20 UTC  

> Florida is also where you can throw an alligator through a Wendy’s drive thru
@Deleted User where you can watch a gator walk on the sidewalk and no one cates

2020-10-27 04:24:32 UTC  

> Nope CAP GES emergency response team. I'm the one putting out fires not you.

2020-10-27 04:24:33 UTC  

Florida is where everything happens

2020-10-27 04:24:43 UTC  

> @Drayko 191cm yeah never maintained one but they're amazing looking haha.
@SRW palm trees are our Christmas trees just saying

2020-10-27 04:24:43 UTC  

@KingZapapple Says the private

2020-10-27 04:24:46 UTC  

Anyone want to talk in VC?