Message from @hyliandragon

Discord ID: 770789316800151552

2020-10-27 23:19:48 UTC  

You have no worries there.

2020-10-27 23:19:54 UTC  

> @Suspected Kyle (battle hymn of the republic starts playing, minuteman missiles flies over horizon)
@A Person Well shit, at least they let us have cannons w/o question.

2020-10-27 23:20:04 UTC  


2020-10-27 23:20:07 UTC  

Only the owner of a board, and the main admin, have access to things like your IP

2020-10-27 23:20:22 UTC  

> honestly screw teachers who try to force their ideas and political beliefs on children
@un-w It takes all of my strength to not disrupt my brother's online teacher to stop indoctrinating him

2020-10-27 23:20:38 UTC  

Yes I'm an american, I listen to patriotic marches while watching battle of the bulge footage

2020-10-27 23:20:38 UTC  

The jannies that enforce rules? Your ip only shows up as a hash code of letters and numbers

2020-10-27 23:20:50 UTC  

But nothing that anyone can track you with.

2020-10-27 23:20:57 UTC  

wait a second

2020-10-27 23:21:04 UTC  

Nothing that any regular user can

2020-10-27 23:21:05 UTC  

if you lure people to your board

2020-10-27 23:21:09 UTC  

> @un-w It takes all of my strength to not disrupt my brother's online teacher to stop indoctrinating him
@hyliandragon I think my school made me the only white kid in my math and reading classes besides 1 white girl bc of my political views....

2020-10-27 23:21:10 UTC  

you can steal their IP

2020-10-27 23:21:10 UTC  

Yeah the schools are what brought us to this point. Control the education. Control the media. And sadly some people are dumb enough to listen to celebs

2020-10-27 23:21:14 UTC  

Oh, also not doing the triforce right and end up looking like a massive newf*g.

2020-10-27 23:21:19 UTC  

that would be true for 8kun

2020-10-27 23:21:21 UTC  


2020-10-27 23:21:23 UTC  

the rest were asian

2020-10-27 23:21:25 UTC  

Not 4chan.

2020-10-27 23:21:32 UTC  

Lol I watched Donald Trump doing the ice bucket challenge

2020-10-27 23:21:33 UTC  

> I'm a woman and I've been called the n-word and gay more than I can recall. lol
@HappyHarbl Saaaame

> @A Person nah... ive never fired anything but a bb gun so im the biggest loser on the beach
@Suspected Kyle Thompson full auto, mg42, M249 saw, gatling gun, ar-15 300blk, m-16 5.56, glock 19, glock 23, glock 17, .357 mag revolver, multiple different pistols, scorpion evo, barret 50 cal, deagle, muzzle loader, lever action Winchester, Remington 870, and thats it

2020-10-27 23:21:36 UTC  

8kun/8chan allows you to make your own board

2020-10-27 23:21:38 UTC  

my latin teacher has a big BLM sticker on a cabinet

2020-10-27 23:21:45 UTC  


2020-10-27 23:21:48 UTC  

4chan doesn't

2020-10-27 23:21:57 UTC  
2020-10-27 23:21:58 UTC  

> my latin teacher has a big BLM sticker on a cabinet
@A Person she should be fired

2020-10-27 23:21:58 UTC  

@HappyHarbl Were you able to do the triforce correctly?

2020-10-27 23:22:01 UTC  

There are also more boards than 4chan

2020-10-27 23:22:03 UTC  

People want to be like Europe. After the founders of this nation specifically ran away from them

2020-10-27 23:22:05 UTC  

Tell her that Biden’s laptop matters

2020-10-27 23:22:07 UTC  

Hell no.

2020-10-27 23:22:16 UTC  

@Shadow town shes honestly like the best teacher tho

2020-10-27 23:22:19 UTC  

Is it that hard?

@A Person damn right take a look at my car in the automotive chat

2020-10-27 23:22:21 UTC  

> @Suspected Kyle Thompson full auto, mg42, M249 saw, gatling gun, ar-15 300blk, m-16 5.56, glock 19, glock 23, glock 17, .357 mag revolver, multiple different pistols, scorpion evo, barret 50 cal, deagle, muzzle loader, lever action Winchester, Remington 870, and thats it
@(っ◔◑◔)っ β™₯ Hug god β™₯ rub it in my face why dont yuh

2020-10-27 23:22:21 UTC  

In all the years I spent on there, I might as well be a perpetual newfriend

2020-10-27 23:22:27 UTC  


2020-10-27 23:22:33 UTC  

> my latin teacher has a big BLM sticker on a cabinet
@A Person You need to take a sharpie and going in the opposite direction write Burn Loot Murder or BIdens Laptop Matters... the choice is yours

2020-10-27 23:22:34 UTC  

They can save up the money to y'know, move out the country