Message from @Cameron Sadowski
Discord ID: 771054487842455562
if someone is murdered
its a murder,
I feel that the bad person was Santa Anna the Mexican dictator at the time
i think they want to control thought, since its more of a thought crime
thought crime?
I believe they want to make the expression illegal, because they can't actually tell what your personal feelings are
@President Elect John Stossel. Is that 538
yes, most hate crimes are thought crimes
are they arrested
When you kill someone, isnโt it usually because you hate them?
in some places yes
thats retarded
> When you kill someone, isnโt it usually because you hate them?
@๐. ๐ข. a hate crime is basically "reee he did it because he's racist,"
and usually without any proof
That was completely wrong
> When you kill someone, isnโt it usually because you hate them?
@๐. ๐ข. I don't know, I personally wanted the inheretance
I am back now got the Trump flag raised below the American Flag, and above the Montana State flag
> thats retarded
That was lies
in the UK its not unnatural to be arrested for the wrong opinion said to the wrong person
thats tyranny
Nate silver is probably the stupidest human being alive
> @VulpesVulpes The catholics tried that once. Outlawing expressed emotion. Turned into strange priests.
@Doc It was a very bad choice on their part.
but its all sold on the fact that its to protect peoople
Anyone excited to see Cenk Uygurs reaction when Trump gets reelected
using safety over liberty to truly have none
WTS political freedom, and freedom of speech. Bidding starts at the end of a barrel!
the dems are trying to make the country so dangerous, people are willing to give up their freedom for the illusion of safety
TYT is a joke
thats moreso the lefty colleges
that also tend to recieve money from China
I burned my breakfast spam an now I'm sad
I try to stay on top of things
The trick is not to take away people's rights, but to give them up willingly by making the situation so bad.
i follow many sources and try to keep a level head when hearing things that I dont agree with
A Rasmussen poll has trump +1 in the general election
@AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] california already gives up all of their basic human rights in exchange for being told how to think, and what they can and can not own. Don't even get me started on how often you get to have electricity or how much water you get to have allocated to your home.