Message from @Boaz

Discord ID: 771395648293175337

2020-10-29 15:26:45 UTC  


2020-10-29 15:26:48 UTC  

Not my question <:thinking:726878987837636698>

2020-10-29 15:27:03 UTC  

I have in real life.

2020-10-29 15:27:23 UTC  

well im white and iv been the brunt of my fair share of gringo insults from mexicans

2020-10-29 15:27:24 UTC  

i have never been discriminated i don't think

2020-10-29 15:27:26 UTC  


2020-10-29 15:27:32 UTC  

maybe for being really fat at one point

2020-10-29 15:27:33 UTC  


2020-10-29 15:28:01 UTC  

and like, even today im tryna figure out if Gringo is an insult or a compliment

2020-10-29 15:28:03 UTC  

Well i mean to be honest there is real reverse racism, but white people are just told to shrug it off because “white privilege” @𝓓. 𝓢.

2020-10-29 15:28:04 UTC  

I used to go to a local barber shop. One day my barber retired. I went the next month to the other guy. He looked at me after waiting five hours in line to get my hair cut and said. "Son, your barber retired...we don't have anyone that will cut your hair now. Best find a new barber shop."

2020-10-29 15:28:10 UTC  

I'd gone there for 10 years.

2020-10-29 15:28:12 UTC  

"I’m sorry, Robert. We decided to hire Shaniqua because of affirmative action. Hope you’re not mad."

2020-10-29 15:28:28 UTC  

> Well i mean to be honest there is real reverse racism, but white people are just told to shrug it off because “white privilege” @𝓓. 𝓢.
@TazerLazer that’s just called racism

2020-10-29 15:28:33 UTC  


2020-10-29 15:28:43 UTC  

That's what I said.

2020-10-29 15:29:23 UTC  

I just stood there dumbfounded. As I looked at him and said. "I'm sorry you look at me that way..." A few of the patrons waiting in line knew me well, they stood up and walked out with me.

2020-10-29 15:29:27 UTC  

yo i want to get my self some free stuff at a walmart

2020-10-29 15:29:32 UTC  

The barber shop shut down a few months later, guess word got around.

2020-10-29 15:30:11 UTC  

I just wanted a hair cut from the place I was loyal to for good service.

2020-10-29 15:30:54 UTC  

I didn't even go to anyone or try to get the man in trouble. I prayed for him instead that the hatred in his heart would be replaced with love in the name of Jesus.

2020-10-29 15:31:37 UTC  

the only privalege there is will be black privalege, or the result of affirrmative action in colleges

2020-10-29 15:31:50 UTC  

who else wants to go riot because a tv becomes free ... and also black lives matter <:troll_face:726878856585281557>

2020-10-29 15:31:54 UTC  

Morning y'all. Hope you all are having a fantastic Thursday so far and everything is going good. - DJ

2020-10-29 15:32:00 UTC  

Ohhh affirmative action

2020-10-29 15:32:01 UTC  

At the end of the day, I can have my hair cut anywhere. Point is he will not change who I am. I treat all people the same.

2020-10-29 15:32:18 UTC  


2020-10-29 15:32:21 UTC  

i am not cutting my hair for a while now want to grow it long

2020-10-29 15:32:27 UTC  

I was tryin to say they give Asians affirmative action which makes no sense

2020-10-29 15:32:35 UTC  

and people to debate whether i am a girl or boy

2020-10-29 15:32:39 UTC  

@Zenk not appropriate.

2020-10-29 15:32:40 UTC  

buy i will have a beard so

2020-10-29 15:32:51 UTC  

asians are effected negativly by afirmative action

2020-10-29 15:32:55 UTC  

^ yes

2020-10-29 15:33:04 UTC  

Read the rules.

2020-10-29 15:33:04 UTC  


2020-10-29 15:33:07 UTC  

Yeah exactly @SeatedGamer

2020-10-29 15:33:11 UTC  

affirmative action shows that politicians think black people aren't smart enough to get into colleges on their own

2020-10-29 15:33:17 UTC  


2020-10-29 15:33:25 UTC  

I hate it so much

2020-10-29 15:33:32 UTC  

@Zenk discord does not allow pure freedom of speech