Message from @mr cheese puffs
Discord ID: 772914825562554378
i miss negan
wot who is this
oh a countdown
how convenient
Ya, it is;)
For non-americans / but supporters
who is ready for trunalimunumaprzure
so is a new president elected in 8 hours?
or would it be at the end of november 3rd
in 32 hours
Idk.. found this
TRUMP 2020
Election wont be over for weeks
badakathcare! trunalimunumaprzure!
Supreme court said they can count the mail in votes after the 3rd too
The bureaucrats will try their best to elect their preferred candidate
Early voting had the left in a small and dwindling lead
if.... if... if the election is on the 3rd how can you vote on the 6th
I can see the futura
> Why are ballots accepted November 6th??????
@Risate so they can cheat
If i lived in your country i can have a minor idea on who will win
if trump doesnt lose i will shave my incredible stomach hair
who do you guys think will win?
> Why are ballots accepted November 6th??????
@Risate Oef media tries get more paper votes from Biden....
The don or the clown
The Don
I think Biden will win
Don JR 2024
who wants to bet their stomach hair against me
Donald Trump needs to win
he does need to win yeah
You're more than likely not gonna see a Don Jr 2024
but i think biden will anyways xD