Message from @Xioz

Discord ID: 773191992926273567

2020-11-03 14:26:31 UTC  

bro same

2020-11-03 14:26:31 UTC  

Kanye isn't even running anymore is he

2020-11-03 14:26:39 UTC  

Joe biden called someone the n word off camera

2020-11-03 14:26:40 UTC  

Nah, no raids. Light hearted trolling is fine, but raids lead to a lot of butt hurt.

2020-11-03 14:26:42 UTC  

I shared picture of Hunter with crack pipe and facebook warned me and put a fake news tag on my post 😮

2020-11-03 14:27:01 UTC  

Hes a racist

2020-11-03 14:27:01 UTC  

If its off camera there's no evidence though

2020-11-03 14:27:06 UTC  

Neo, if it's off camera, we don't know that

2020-11-03 14:27:14 UTC  

> Kanye isn't even running anymore is he
@Mine Excadrill 12 states. Not enough to win president even if he won those states. People are actually voting for him

2020-11-03 14:27:31 UTC  

I'm the bucket of deplorables #embracethememe

2020-11-03 14:27:40 UTC  

He should run in 2024

2020-11-03 14:27:47 UTC  

I'm running in 56

2020-11-03 14:27:51 UTC  

Don Jr 2024

2020-11-03 14:27:59 UTC  

I'm currently 22

2020-11-03 14:27:59 UTC  

biden could lynch a black guy and the media would have the headline "biden lifts up black people"

2020-11-03 14:28:01 UTC  

Or ivanka

2020-11-03 14:28:31 UTC  

> @Mine Excadrill 12 states. Not enough to win president even if he won those states. People are actually voting for him
@uncle steve kiem Hopefully Biden voters that just want not Biden

2020-11-03 14:28:37 UTC  

Biden was reading a racist statement made by a state legislator during a redistricting process in Louisiana that was overseen by the nominee, who was being questioned under oath. Biden was using those comments to build a case against Reynolds’ nomination, pointing out that as the assistant attorney general for civil rights he ignored racist comments by lawmakers and signed off on a plan that gerrymandered Louisiana's congressional districts to deprive Black residents of representation. Biden specifically questioned Reynolds about a Louisiana congressional map redistricting proposal called the Nunez plan.

2020-11-03 14:28:48 UTC  

Can't wait to win

2020-11-03 14:28:49 UTC  

Can’t wait to have my entire block destroyed tonight

2020-11-03 14:28:56 UTC  


2020-11-03 14:29:05 UTC  

im not bored of winning yet

2020-11-03 14:29:09 UTC  

Did you remember to vote for yourself?

2020-11-03 14:29:12 UTC  

If Trump won his second term. The medias head will explode. If Trump jr. Ran and won in 2024. LIBREALS WILL GO SUPER CRAZY

2020-11-03 14:29:20 UTC  

We have to defeat biden

2020-11-03 14:29:26 UTC  

No one has won so winningly than anyone in history

2020-11-03 14:29:28 UTC  


2020-11-03 14:29:36 UTC  

> We have to defeat biden
@Deleted User Agrees

2020-11-03 14:29:38 UTC  

idk if his kids would win they aren't as charismatic as their father

2020-11-03 14:29:44 UTC  

Jimmy 2020

2020-11-03 14:29:46 UTC  

trump will win

2020-11-03 14:29:58 UTC  


2020-11-03 14:30:05 UTC  

Imagine the humiliation Biden must feel

2020-11-03 14:30:10 UTC  

if he lost

2020-11-03 14:30:11 UTC  


2020-11-03 14:30:14 UTC  

Imo its gonna be a 400 point win for Trump

2020-11-03 14:30:16 UTC  

Imagine if the first female president was Republican

2020-11-03 14:30:21 UTC  

Or around there

2020-11-03 14:30:22 UTC  

at least hillary had a pussy to vote for..what has biden got?

2020-11-03 14:30:22 UTC  

Blame the Russians

2020-11-03 14:30:22 UTC  

feel kinda bad for biden if he loses but biden didn't deserve to be president