Message from @Calem Jaeger
Discord ID: 773204899387015198
thought you all like that
Are y’all Voting for Daddy Trump today?
What is “trunalimunumaprzure”?
Is anyone else watching the live polls?
Naw fam vote Kanye
Cant believe my eyes
@Syrax I know we're excited, but lets chill on the image spam in here please, thank you! Im excited as hell too.
its not really about black lives
Why is no one talking about the live polls
It begins my dudes
can tylor zed use those iminges if he wins
Holy crap, it's on guys.
whats going on with the live polls?
On yt
I mean, Tyler looks through the meme channels so maybe consider one of those
Biden leading double digits
Old Man Joe said that if a black person votes for Trump, then “[they] ain’t black”. Joe is a racist, guaranteed.
possibly a good place if you want tyler zed to see em
I'm lowkey nervous but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for second term.
Eh it’s the early votes that skew Biden
4 more years!
I hope that lady who was screaming at Trumps first inauguration is there again
democrats always vote early
Tacos or roast chicken for din din tonight?
Roast chicken
Nobody does
THE SYSTEM is crumbleing before our eyes. hehe behold a new system to emerge from the burning wreckage of the estblishment!
remember, a lot of republicans are working
Yeah until like 6