Message from @Illuminattor
Discord ID: 773504593387847690
thats not me
Lol biden's nevada lead dropped from 30k to 8k gg ez
If it’s true 66% of mail in votes are Biden that would mean Biden will swing it
> @FerretFondue mail in votes are heavily Biden which hasn't been counted yet
@lilgbengs well we just don't know for certain, so he can win technically
Trump is leading by far in a hell ton of his light red states
WI is still going
Doesn’t matter trump is winning far cuz they’ll magically add 100k like WI
there's no magic, it was all the mail in votes being added to the total at once
and it doesn’t matter how much he’s winning by in some because he needs all 4 of those last ones
And Wisconsin is neck and neck to Biden and trump
imagine someone joins the voice chat and starts shouting BLM
i think it's gonna come down to PA on friday.
Biden's laptop matters
Why PA? It’ll come down to NC GA mainly
> Biden's laptop matters
@𝔅𝔦𝔤 Shrek More like Biden's Minecraft Account Matters
100% agree with Shrek
@Illuminattor bruh you got the whole squad laughing🙄
i want to hack his account so i can get access to the oldest anarchy server
> Why PA? It’ll come down to NC GA mainly
@black cyborg Jubei because theyre waiting till friday and if we get nc, ga which i think we will but az goes blue and WI goes blue
No we can't lose Michigan
Trump wins unless one flips
Ok but PA is likely trumps already..and AZ and WI don’t matter
What matters is MI GA and NC
i wouldnt say dont matter
only 65k left...
If Trump wins California he wins
yes he can win california super ez u know
Yeah fear not CA secure GOP
We can totally win California
Biden just shot up a lot in MI. This is BS
That's detroit
This isn’t looking good
Guys....i cannot believe biden has come this far....wtfff......
All major are secured besides Georgia and north North Carolina