Message from @black cyborg Jubei
Discord ID: 773522954217717770
if they did not cheat my guess is trump would of won 40 states
Democrats uses Edo Tensei to get votes
What if president Biden press that nuclair weapn button? Biden is super CRAZY
Biden already won. No chance of even MI at this point. In the last like 3% Biden gets like 150k votes and trump none. The rest of the 10% will obviously go to Biden
@PowerRanger people didn't even like Kamala
Why wont they call it
Biden admitted to fraud
gj Michigan
So how is this happening?
Is anything changing for Michigan?
Meanwhile, I take joy that the reaction to Thanos is balanced.
Biden will die the first second in office welcome Kamala
@Black Box Painting I know I watched the debates
Tell me we still have Michigan
@Mortal Kombat Nerd we're about to lose it
give up michigan ffs they did not go to the effort of adding 120000 votes to lose it now
Trump is leading in PA, GA, and NC
i am super scared about Michigan
@SpaceDandyJoestarGG first woman pres? Noooooo.
I always thought it'll be a robot first before a Woman
What happened in Michigan is trump was crushing they stopped the counting then Biden suddenly gets 200k votes. Michigan’s gone
everything is still the same
Trump needs MI!
We might see a 46th and 47th president if Biden gets elected
> i am super scared about Michigan
@OffensiveTaco I'm for the whole world
All in one term
How many states are left?
wi will be next and they will put on enough votes so you do not get close enough for a recount
> @SpaceDandyJoestarGG first woman pres? Noooooo.
> I always thought it'll be a robot first before a Woman
@Black Box Painting No, it's the first demon president
united states of riots time
It’s over
if michigan wisconsin and nevada go blue, we lose right?
If Georgia goes blue we lose
Alright I'm convinced
Georgia is red rn