Message from @( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ)

Discord ID: 773578848809648190

2020-11-04 16:05:06 UTC  

> If Biden wins fair and square, I’ll accept.
@Jazzyx3 except hes NOT winning fair and square

2020-11-04 16:05:12 UTC  

Man fuck fuck fuck !! I don't want to see America turn into communist country

2020-11-04 16:05:16 UTC  

No way biden wins fair and square

2020-11-04 16:05:20 UTC  

> why are votes not counted in a machine? it would be much faster and quicker
@Simpnautica they are and thats the problem

2020-11-04 16:05:21 UTC  

They're prolonging the results and cheating

2020-11-04 16:05:24 UTC  

We're taking this to the SCOTUS right?

2020-11-04 16:05:26 UTC  

> If Biden wins fair and square, I’ll accept.
@Jazzyx3 the prob is we ALLLLL know DAMN WELL his lot is cheating.
Aint no damn way in hell.

2020-11-04 16:05:31 UTC  

I hate that they will push oh this new conspiracy of Trump thinking the vote was mishandled while in 2016 they were litterally totally Pushing collusion

2020-11-04 16:05:34 UTC  

If Biden wins I’m not going to throw a hissy fit but I will take out my frustration on some wood

2020-11-04 16:05:35 UTC  

> @Simpnautica It would be easier for a machine to malfunction it’s harder to trust
@Elven_Ranger wait what?

2020-11-04 16:05:35 UTC  

No way the American people are this stupid to choose Biden dont make sense

2020-11-04 16:05:37 UTC  

@Golden exactly, there needs to be a court case to prove this otherwise.

2020-11-04 16:05:38 UTC  

arizona said you needed to fill out ballots with sharpies in the republican areas then after the vote they said they won't count sharpie filled

2020-11-04 16:05:39 UTC  

> We're taking this to the SCOTUS right?
@AJT0420 hopefully

2020-11-04 16:05:42 UTC  

> If Biden wins fair and square, I’ll accept.
@Jazzyx3 Are you a comedian? because thats a good joke

2020-11-04 16:05:45 UTC  

> @luminoussun Whatever you say Sir
@|||||Lexi||||| good good now make me a sandwich!!! 😂 just kidding

2020-11-04 16:05:52 UTC  

biden will overthrow the supreme court

2020-11-04 16:05:59 UTC  

people have been tweeting trump about the AZ thing

2020-11-04 16:05:59 UTC  

The sharpies made it hard for the machine to read the ballots

2020-11-04 16:06:05 UTC  

look up arizona vamp

2020-11-04 16:06:09 UTC  


2020-11-04 16:06:13 UTC  

> Not my president is cringe in general and we shouldn’t do it if Biden somehow wins
@Elven_Ranger *”When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”* ~ Declaration of Independance

2020-11-04 16:06:17 UTC  

> Guys guys, no one is cheating, you guys just can't take a loss
@Vampi2|Stijn look at vid share

2020-11-04 16:06:20 UTC  

he's gonna fucking pack the court

2020-11-04 16:06:24 UTC  

Is it true some states have more votes than ppl?

2020-11-04 16:06:30 UTC  

arizona made people use sharpies then said sharpie wasn't allowed

2020-11-04 16:06:32 UTC  

> @Elven_Ranger wait what?
@Simpnautica I just think people are more likely to not malfunction I don’t trust machines as much

2020-11-04 16:06:35 UTC  

Yes that is true

2020-11-04 16:06:39 UTC  

> Guys guys, no one is cheating, you guys just can't take a loss
Wisconsin had more people cast ballots than they had registered voters <:Brainlet:752612764287238240>

2020-11-04 16:06:40 UTC  

> Guys guys, no one is cheating, you guys just can't take a loss
@Vampi2|Stijn How can you get that many votes so quickly with NONE for Trump? It doesn't make sense

2020-11-04 16:06:41 UTC  


2020-11-04 16:06:41 UTC  

Kamala will pack the court; Biden is just a pawn

2020-11-04 16:06:47 UTC  

I will miss MAGA

2020-11-04 16:06:51 UTC  

> Guys guys, no one is cheating, you guys just can't take a loss
@Vampi2|Stijn you should be a comedian

2020-11-04 16:06:57 UTC  

Kamala is using Biden because she lost in the primaries

2020-11-04 16:06:59 UTC  

If we do turn communist, I hope all republican states opt out of the Antifa world and become their own country

2020-11-04 16:07:00 UTC  

Same I live in AZ too

2020-11-04 16:07:01 UTC  

@Shadow_Droplet exactly, it’s not fair, but if it can be proven that it was, we have no choice but to accept the choice of the American people

2020-11-04 16:07:04 UTC  

unfunny guys are comedians all the time

2020-11-04 16:07:08 UTC  

Could tie then it will be Biden pence

2020-11-04 16:07:09 UTC  

> @Simpnautica I just think people are more likely to not malfunction I don’t trust machines as much
@Elven_Ranger you know the world is run by machines now i don't get it