Message from @Herzer
Discord ID: 303071750646923274
fuck I gotta start going to the gym again
Ive started working out again.
been slacking it off since I came back to the real world
Getting /fit/ is important
that should be all our imperative
>TFW they start working out to defend themselves and learn fighting from a few dojos and end up being so subtly ironpilled that when they finnaly go out to riot they end up biting the redpill so hard that you can see them have a seizures of fists against there old friends in response
They think that a week of lifting 5 pound hand weights and learning like 1 kick and 2 punches that they will be able to fell all that stands before them
Theyre not the brawler type
IMO most important thing in fighting is learning to take a hit
Tfw wanting to fight communists makes you get fit
berkley was numbered 3 to one and still pushed them out of the campus
This time line is amazing tbh
Taking hits is important
ANd they are all like little babies
That shit will fuck with you if you're too scared to take a hit
It's cuz they fight dirty
not to mention that when you start to go down the path of self improvement you have a stronger change of becoming nationalistic
not always but eventualy
/fit/ memes
is what we need
I'm sure most of us have been in a fight at least once in our lives, learning to control yourself in a fight and getting past that fear of getting hit is crucial
yeah, that's why I settled with "have a chance of becoming"
i got a small colletion
im sorry i dont read non vetted members entire post @Herzer KEK
das rayciss
Ive used to get in fights all the time
Shit is great fun
I love fighting
its a rush
Its great too, when youre in the right