Message from @j a y d e n

Discord ID: 773675307110105119

2020-11-04 22:27:26 UTC  

> Dems when they lose: "IM GONNA OFF MYSELF "
> Reps when they lose: "Lmao see you in court"
@Fivan Democrats literally held gatherings to scream at the sky in 2016$

2020-11-04 22:27:40 UTC  

Well I like the mommy Fettish not the daddy one irl

Jk jk unless

2020-11-04 22:27:52 UTC  

Democrat femnazis finally found a use for their lady parts... Stashing fake ballots

2020-11-04 22:27:58 UTC  

Ben Shapiro said Trumps projected to win Arizona. He is a Jew so he's good with bets and money and all that

2020-11-04 22:28:01 UTC  

tbh trump might still get it

2020-11-04 22:28:04 UTC  

> Where are the real election results GUYS
@|||||Lexi||||| ugh I wish I knew. Its so hard to trust any source rn

2020-11-04 22:28:10 UTC  

All trump needs is zona

2020-11-04 22:28:10 UTC  

I hope season 2 of "Not My President" isn't cancelled this year

2020-11-04 22:28:16 UTC  

Yo!!! Good afternoon I predicted this shit Joe wins 2020 kamala does a shit show reelect trump 2024 then Ivanka in 2028

2020-11-04 22:28:20 UTC  

> Well I like the mommy Fettish not the daddy one irl
> Jk jk unless
@Hypno Still a bit too far for me

2020-11-04 22:28:30 UTC  


2020-11-04 22:28:35 UTC  

<@765185737003106325> as much crack as Hunter smokes

2020-11-04 22:28:48 UTC  

> @Hypno Still a bit too far for me
@|||||Lexi||||| eww get out

2020-11-04 22:28:49 UTC  

can someone convince me trump has pennsylvania? im scared over that state lmao

2020-11-04 22:28:52 UTC  

Biden committed campaign suicide in PA when he said he’s phasing out fracking. PA is trump country

2020-11-04 22:28:53 UTC  

Trump beat the rona now all he needs is the zona

2020-11-04 22:29:04 UTC  

omg yes

2020-11-04 22:29:20 UTC  

I love that

2020-11-04 22:29:24 UTC  

Unless rigged

2020-11-04 22:29:25 UTC  


2020-11-04 22:29:27 UTC  

> Trump beat the rona now all he needs is the zona
@Team Decive *wait for covid 20*

2020-11-04 22:29:51 UTC  

Imagine Trump winning despite the fraud? 🤣🤣

2020-11-04 22:30:05 UTC  

**just like 2016**

2020-11-04 22:30:06 UTC  

I swear to fucking god

2020-11-04 22:30:12 UTC  

Its rigged Another prediction Joe wins then trump wins it back in the courts then Dark winter begins

2020-11-04 22:30:15 UTC  

i dont care who is gonna win

2020-11-04 22:30:18 UTC  

How do we fight back next time? Regardless of the election results. This is too close

2020-11-04 22:30:22 UTC  

@Noracax that's what we're praying for

2020-11-04 22:30:25 UTC  

If he wins I still want a recount

2020-11-04 22:30:29 UTC  

If they call NV before NC, PA, AK, and GA

2020-11-04 22:30:32 UTC  

either way we are fucked

2020-11-04 22:30:42 UTC  

Ok so Trump basically has won where Biden was born PA, and Biden won NY where trump was born, So I think Biden is stupid enough to trade us NY for PA and then with the extra 9 points trump wins

2020-11-04 22:30:45 UTC  

I like to have a president who is smarter than me which is clearly not "Sleepy Old Joe"

2020-11-04 22:30:48 UTC  

> @Noracax that's what we're praying for
@newt-gecko-goat Dreaming costs nothing u.u

2020-11-04 22:30:48 UTC  

Crap Biden basically won.....

2020-11-04 22:30:51 UTC  

yoooo 138,000 ballots for biden in a row voter fraud

2020-11-04 22:30:53 UTC  

I honestly Dont want to force anything on you personally I just find cool looking females to be superior to me

2020-11-04 22:30:59 UTC  

PA won't be called until Friday

2020-11-04 22:31:06 UTC  

> Its rigged Another prediction Joe wins then trump wins it back in the courts then Dark winter begins
@Johnny Dangerous the msm predicted that trump would take it to the court because damn they knew what was coming. they know the ppl theyre shilling for

2020-11-04 22:31:07 UTC  

We need to de program the commies before 2016

2020-11-04 22:31:07 UTC  

I am soooo lost right now. Fox News says Biden 264 Trump 214, Newsmax says Biden 253 Trump 214. What in the worlddd