Message from @|||||Lexi|||||

Discord ID: 773677325140230205

2020-11-04 22:36:30 UTC  

I've been watching the polls a d everything for 10 hours today. Need a break

2020-11-04 22:36:30 UTC  

@MistrBlooSky i mean tonight

2020-11-04 22:36:32 UTC  

Among Us is a good or bad game depending on who you play with.

2020-11-04 22:36:33 UTC  

After this, I am suing everyone who had anything to do with the lies that have been spewed about the polls

2020-11-04 22:36:33 UTC  

Biden will win Nevada

2020-11-04 22:36:35 UTC  

My blood pressure is through the roof

2020-11-04 22:36:35 UTC  

> biden will win unfortunatly
@ALousyUsername he wont if arizona or nevada flips, plus all the fraud is getting exposed

2020-11-04 22:36:36 UTC  

> we have to believe in Trump, he knows what he's doing
@Shelly I hope your right brother

2020-11-04 22:36:38 UTC  

I heard Dems are trying to overthrow Pelosi now

2020-11-04 22:36:40 UTC  

trump isnt gonna win and Lets be honest with ourselves, I dont think this recount will work at all

2020-11-04 22:36:54 UTC  

> I heard Dems are trying to overthrow Pelosi now
@JudgeAzule the wicked witch of the west

2020-11-04 22:36:58 UTC  

Throwing their support with a new challenger

2020-11-04 22:36:59 UTC  

I’ll be back tomorrow, Jesus this is so annoying lol

2020-11-04 22:37:00 UTC  

@[EST]Darek225 yeah i realize that, i meant tonight

2020-11-04 22:37:01 UTC  

Biden will win Nevada

Press x To dought

2020-11-04 22:37:04 UTC  

If only peaple voted trump as they vote in among us

2020-11-04 22:37:05 UTC  

I didn't sleep only 3 hours to see Trump lose :"0

2020-11-04 22:37:09 UTC  

Just keep preaching the word

2020-11-04 22:37:20 UTC  

@Plake he could lose nevada, as long as he still wins Arizona

2020-11-04 22:37:22 UTC  

> I’ll be back tomorrow, Jesus this is so annoying lol
@Jazzyx3 stressful seriously

2020-11-04 22:37:28 UTC  

It's 5:40 PM in FL wtf

2020-11-04 22:37:29 UTC  

as of right now, biden is going to win based on the counting procedures considering michigan is screwing itself over rn

2020-11-04 22:37:30 UTC  

Jesus saves and he can save you too fast and pray

2020-11-04 22:37:38 UTC  

> imagine being so lonely you just troll a trump server just so people talk to you
<@!765185737003106325> their own servers are too toxic and hateful i guess

2020-11-04 22:37:40 UTC  

its not just nevada we can win ARIZONA PEOPLE

2020-11-04 22:37:42 UTC  

> Jesus saves and he can save you too fast and pray

2020-11-04 22:37:42 UTC  

<@765185737003106325> im not trolling bro i love zed and voted red but im very scared we've lost

2020-11-04 22:37:49 UTC  

Trump is shy of winning

2020-11-04 22:37:52 UTC  

> If only peaple voted trump as they vote in among us
@jsands25 They're doing it, but the other way around. They're voting blindly to anything the media says.

2020-11-04 22:38:00 UTC  

i slice 3 oranges in half as a sacrifce to the orange lord, pray with me

2020-11-04 22:38:00 UTC  

Yeah, as long as we get either Arizona or Nevada and then we also win Georgia Pennsylvania and North Carolina we win

2020-11-04 22:38:02 UTC  

> <@!765185737003106325> im not trolling bro i love zed and voted red but im very scared we've lost
@PGFIFAHD Be strong, have pride, and pray

2020-11-04 22:38:05 UTC  

> Trump is shy of winning
@Solaris dm me link

2020-11-04 22:38:08 UTC  

@PGFIFAHD same, we have to keep hope tho

2020-11-04 22:38:15 UTC  

Trump needs a nap. Like an 8 day nap. He's been killing the campaign trail. He sounds so tired

2020-11-04 22:38:15 UTC  
2020-11-04 22:38:16 UTC  

> @PGFIFAHD Be strong, have pride, and pray
@|||||Lexi||||| lmao i aint got none of those lolol

2020-11-04 22:38:21 UTC  

"poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids" may be our new president

2020-11-04 22:38:22 UTC  

V for vendetta Nov 5...

2020-11-04 22:38:30 UTC  

@Tyler Zed Give us your wisdom.

2020-11-04 22:38:33 UTC  

And north carolina, georgia, and Pennsylvania are all looking good. Now he could either win Nevada or Arizona and due to the current preliminary information it looks like he might win Arizona and then Nevada is just toss up