Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 773974803987169320

2020-11-05 18:17:24 UTC  

@enriconi believe me I did way more damage to the Biden Discord than any liberal will manage here

2020-11-05 18:17:31 UTC  

> Remember kids creating more jobs and standing up for the constitution makes you a disgrace
Trump currently has a -4 million job increase while the Obama administration had a 12 million job increase

2020-11-05 18:17:34 UTC  

> Remember kids creating more jobs and standing up for the constitution makes you a disgrace

2020-11-05 18:17:47 UTC  

Honestly, I could say that hillary obama joe biden hunter and tons of different agents in the fbi and cia

2020-11-05 18:18:01 UTC  

We do have the Senate in our hands. So if Biden tries to pass anything crazy. The Senate will block it

2020-11-05 18:18:03 UTC  

could be arrested

2020-11-05 18:18:04 UTC  

On the bright side if Biden wins I can afford a Ferrari with all the riches tax money

2020-11-05 18:18:07 UTC  

capitalism always worked in america

2020-11-05 18:18:15 UTC  

i once had a argument with a guy who was professor at cambridge. he was trying to convince me socialism was great and could not change my mind..and do you know he ended up getting mad and said when we take over you will be the first one up against the wall...this was a professor

2020-11-05 18:18:20 UTC  

Nothing is free everything Requires a service

2020-11-05 18:18:22 UTC  

Can I link pics here ?

2020-11-05 18:18:34 UTC  

> On the bright side if Biden wins I can afford a Ferrari with all the riches tax money
@Seal if Biden wins you'll just get away with stealing one

2020-11-05 18:18:35 UTC  

> lol can't believe Trump said he won and claimed the remaining states lol what a facist
@ThyDoctor "fascist" lol...

1) If Trump was a "fascist", you won't hear Orange Man Bad in the media.. you'd hear Orange Man Good.

2) Those leftist idiots have the freedom to talk shit about Trump on TikTok, twitter etc would've been arrested and sent to concentration camps if Trump was a "fascist"..

2020-11-05 18:18:44 UTC  

A good question to ask, why are liberal people boarding up their businesses in NY? it's not because of Republicans...

2020-11-05 18:18:46 UTC  

@ThyDoctor We already know that socialism is horrible for any country and it always willbe

2020-11-05 18:18:46 UTC  

> @Seal if Biden wins you'll just get away with stealing one
@Tex in the name of justice

2020-11-05 18:19:02 UTC  

> capitalism always worked in america
Except it doesn't. The Government has broken up trusts and many times before, but all of a sudden corporations are "people too"

2020-11-05 18:19:10 UTC  

Ayo Bossking, if you wanna talk talk, but dont go being rude

2020-11-05 18:19:18 UTC  

that goes for everyone

2020-11-05 18:19:19 UTC  

> @Tex in the name of justice
@Seal I'm an equal opportunity looter, they loot when we have the president, and we loot if they have the president

2020-11-05 18:19:33 UTC  

> @ThyDoctor "fascist" lol...
> 1) If Trump was a "fascist", you won't hear Orange Man Bad in the media.. you'd hear Orange Man Good.
> 2) Those leftist idiots have the freedom to talk shit about Trump on TikTok, twitter etc would've been arrested and sent to concentration camps if Trump was a "fascist"..
@Serenade spot on

2020-11-05 18:19:41 UTC  

Republicans don't loot

2020-11-05 18:19:47 UTC  

The federal governments job is to break up monopolies like Google and facebook. Need to get back on that

2020-11-05 18:19:53 UTC  

> A good question to ask, why are liberal people boarding up their businesses in NY? it's not because of Republicans...
@𝕰𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖎𝖓 i live in new york and yes lots of businesses are scared of leftist riots

2020-11-05 18:20:00 UTC  

When Obama was elected there wasnt riots and people saying to impeach him.

2020-11-05 18:20:01 UTC  


2020-11-05 18:20:02 UTC  

Just joined,Ngl this place kinda pog

2020-11-05 18:20:04 UTC  

Hey to the commies in the chat. Rich company owners like Jeff Bezos is one of the reasons we succeed.

2020-11-05 18:20:06 UTC  

it's not enough to dislike communism you must actively be anti-communism

2020-11-05 18:20:12 UTC  

There is definite worry about leftist riots

2020-11-05 18:20:12 UTC  

There is a rumor going around that georgia is leaning blue? can anyone confirm this?

2020-11-05 18:20:20 UTC  

> When Obama was elected there wasnt riots and people saying to impeach him.
@Dead_Already there were some, but no where near to the degree the left has gone

2020-11-05 18:20:24 UTC  

> @ThyDoctor "fascist" lol...
> 1) If Trump was a "fascist", you won't hear Orange Man Bad in the media.. you'd hear Orange Man Good.
> 2) Those leftist idiots have the freedom to talk shit about Trump on TikTok, twitter etc would've been arrested and sent to concentration camps if Trump was a "fascist"..
@Serenade That's like if all of North Korea ridicules Kim Jong Un without any problems.

2020-11-05 18:20:26 UTC  

GA is gonna be red

2020-11-05 18:20:26 UTC  

America will NEVER be a communist country.

2020-11-05 18:20:28 UTC  

maybe republicans need to learn to fight dirty because sometimes you need to get muddy when your fighting against demons from hell

2020-11-05 18:20:33 UTC  

Any party who holds their moral compass to thier chest and says I want to be better isn't the problem. It's the ones who say you need to do this to be okay you racist

2020-11-05 18:20:39 UTC  

..Maybe Bezos isn't the best example considering what he pushes.

2020-11-05 18:20:51 UTC  

I found a video that is interesting to say at least about the candidate Joe Biden. I just wondering where should I post this

2020-11-05 18:20:57 UTC  

tucker carlson here

2020-11-05 18:21:00 UTC  

I think if biden is elected all the dems that voted for him will watch as the country goes into flames and will regret their vote