Message from @bythebeach

Discord ID: 774072894506270722

2020-11-06 00:48:08 UTC  

theres literally no evidence of fraud and the fact that you guys mindlessly follow trump's fake news that there is fraud. there is no evidence of widespread fraud!

2020-11-06 00:48:23 UTC  

There's literally recorded evidence of it

2020-11-06 00:48:25 UTC  

> impossible, he would need 45% of the mail in votes, which is like, impossible lol. He literally told his supporters to not vote by mail
@DrewDaPilot That's why Dems passed out Sharpies. #Sharpiegate.

2020-11-06 00:48:26 UTC  

found the closeted liberal

2020-11-06 00:48:28 UTC  

I wanted trump to win as much as you guys do, but I stand by facts and evidence, and right now, theres no evidence of fraud.

2020-11-06 00:48:30 UTC  

imo zed needs to live stream some it would really boost his channel

2020-11-06 00:48:36 UTC  

why are there trolls here..

2020-11-06 00:48:37 UTC  

> theres literally no evidence of fraud and the fact that you guys mindlessly follow trump's fake news that there is fraud. there is no evidence of widespread fraud!
@DrewDaPilot TRUE

2020-11-06 00:48:40 UTC  

> theres literally no evidence of fraud and the fact that you guys mindlessly follow trump's fake news that there is fraud. there is no evidence of widespread fraud!
@DrewDaPilot USPS workers already admitted it.

2020-11-06 00:48:44 UTC  

Recorded evidence of fraud on a large enough scale to influence the election? where where where? I haven't seen this anywhere! not on fox news, not on cnn, not on AP

2020-11-06 00:48:46 UTC  


@DrewDaPilot What do you mean thereโ€™s no evidence of fraud, so youโ€™re telling me that Trump just stays at the same place he was a few hours ago and Biden just gets 40k straight in PA? No.

2020-11-06 00:48:54 UTC  

> theres literally no evidence of fraud and the fact that you guys mindlessly follow trump's fake news that there is fraud. there is no evidence of widespread fraud!
@DrewDaPilot How does Trump go from 5-15 pt lead in some states to losing them after 4am Hmmm

2020-11-06 00:48:55 UTC  

> I wanted trump to win as much as you guys do, but I stand by facts and evidence, and right now, theres no evidence of fraud.
@DrewDaPilot yeah no one is buying that.

2020-11-06 00:48:59 UTC  

> I wanted trump to win as much as you guys do, but I stand by facts and evidence, and right now, theres no evidence of fraud.
@DrewDaPilot okay Rachel

2020-11-06 00:49:01 UTC  

@DrewDaPilot honestly weโ€™re just gonna have to wait for the Court to unfold this whole Mess :/

2020-11-06 00:49:02 UTC  

> theres literally no evidence of fraud and the fact that you guys mindlessly follow trump's fake news that there is fraud. there is no evidence of widespread fraud!
@DrewDaPilot Their is dead ppl that voted in michigan and that is true

2020-11-06 00:49:07 UTC  

@Michigan Man ๐Ÿ‚ mail in ballots, simple; trump was telling his voters not to do mail in

2020-11-06 00:49:10 UTC  

In some places there's more votes than voters

2020-11-06 00:49:13 UTC  

> Recorded evidence of fraud on a large enough scale to influence the election? where where where? I haven't seen this anywhere! not on fox news, not on cnn, not on AP
@DrewDaPilot Go through this Discord, you'll see it everywhere.

2020-11-06 00:49:19 UTC  


2020-11-06 00:49:25 UTC  

amazing that Fox still has Arizona as locked in for Joe

2020-11-06 00:49:26 UTC  

> @Michigan Man ๐Ÿ‚ mail in ballots
@DrewDaPilot Yeah they should've been ther by 8pm

2020-11-06 00:49:28 UTC  

dont put the burden of proof on me, you are the one claiming fraud, prove it

2020-11-06 00:49:33 UTC  

mail in ballots dont go 138,000 to 0 for biden

2020-11-06 00:49:35 UTC  


@DrewDaPilot Itโ€™s not like people were bringing in coolers of ballots for Biden and dead peopleโ€™s votes were casted instead of people alive and existing on the earth, lol.

2020-11-06 00:49:43 UTC  

fox is dumb g soros owns it now

2020-11-06 00:49:45 UTC  

> @Xioz I was watching a documentary about it just earlier today lol
@Max4Z Jim Jones was a scary as fuck... Mad respect, though. Single handedly led the peaceful desegregation of Indianapolis. He didnโ€™t go off the rails until he failed in Brazil. Had the potential to be a great leader.

2020-11-06 00:49:49 UTC  

the left wants to say theres no fraud at all... cause they know it wont hold up to scrutiny

2020-11-06 00:49:50 UTC  

theres no evidence that there were ballots INSIDE the coolers, theres no evidence of dead people casting votes

2020-11-06 00:49:53 UTC  

The memes are weak rn

2020-11-06 00:50:07 UTC  

what was in the coolers then, beer?

2020-11-06 00:50:08 UTC  

yall are just being mindless sheep to trump's loosing narrative

2020-11-06 00:50:12 UTC  

> dont put the burden of proof on me, you are the one claiming fraud, prove it
@DrewDaPilot Prove that it isn't fraud. You really think anyone is passionate about Biden?

2020-11-06 00:50:15 UTC  

> theres no evidence that there were ballots INSIDE the coolers, theres no evidence of dead people casting votes
@DrewDaPilot Okay why are some states not allowing people to see them count the vote?

2020-11-06 00:50:16 UTC  

> theres no evidence that there were ballots INSIDE the coolers, theres no evidence of dead people casting votes
@DrewDaPilot there is, check @flaccas on twitter

@cptunicorn No, proud boys, liberals be like, lol.

2020-11-06 00:50:23 UTC  

@Xioz he still sounded looney asf

2020-11-06 00:50:26 UTC  

proof != inference, proof is HARD evidence that there was ACTUAL ballots in the coolers

2020-11-06 00:50:28 UTC  

Slowmode ruined my meme