Message from @Kyrix

Discord ID: 774125708012290068

2020-11-06 04:17:12 UTC  

Near future

2020-11-06 04:17:20 UTC  

@Sai It's a channel name that you put on a channel you send people who are muted in main channels or about to be banned for breaking a rule

2020-11-06 04:17:21 UTC  

It's a funny superhero

2020-11-06 04:17:23 UTC  

Illinois was the last state on my mind.

2020-11-06 04:17:30 UTC  

Any updates

2020-11-06 04:17:31 UTC  

> @( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) Some people take offense to it.
> @Doctor Pepper, the First I know, but still, it is a harsh consequence for you simply misusing a pronoun someone was particular about. You ccn't know everything everyone needs for thier feelings to be validated

2020-11-06 04:17:45 UTC  

> Diabetic, asthmatic, heart disease, basically if you have prior health issues, covid is more lethal
@OTK🇺🇸 all of those are common with obesity

2020-11-06 04:17:45 UTC  

> @Sai It's a channel name that you put on a channel you send people who are muted in main channels or about to be banned for breaking a rule
@Doctor Pepper, the First i mean like, why would they be rehabbed?

2020-11-06 04:17:47 UTC  

how about have a 120 to 1 chance of dying in a car every time you drive. much more chance of dying driving than from covid..why dont we all wear fucking huge sumo wrestler costumes every time we drive??? its 1% chance of helping

2020-11-06 04:17:52 UTC  

they just found 3 million votes for jo jorgenson in ga

2020-11-06 04:18:02 UTC  

I have asthma but I could care less about Covid

2020-11-06 04:18:18 UTC  


2020-11-06 04:18:31 UTC  

> I have asthma but I could care less about Covid
@Jwolf same, i'd broken some rules even cos masks would kill a lost faster

2020-11-06 04:18:39 UTC  

> @OTK🇺🇸 all of those are common with obesity
@newt-gecko-goat 👍🏻

2020-11-06 04:18:46 UTC  

I got banned on a server for using facts and logic

2020-11-06 04:18:47 UTC  

Honestly, there have been major developments in treatments.

2020-11-06 04:18:55 UTC  

@Sai wdym?

2020-11-06 04:19:02 UTC  

Because they were pro blm

2020-11-06 04:19:02 UTC  

> that is so dumb lets live in masks like gimps for the rest of time even it is 1% chance of stopping 1% chance of stopping something that has a 0.2 chance of killing you if you already have health problems
@luminoussun Bruh, if someone wants to wear a mask even for peace of mind, good on them. I get the mandatory side of the argument, but I’ve always sided with people having the choice.

2020-11-06 04:19:07 UTC  

I got banned from a server for sending a picture of my face 😥

2020-11-06 04:19:11 UTC  

You're probably not going to die even if you're at risk as long as you get treated.

2020-11-06 04:19:13 UTC  

> how about have a 120 to 1 chance of dying in a car every time you drive. much more chance of dying driving than from covid..why dont we all wear fucking huge sumo wrestler costumes every time we drive??? its 1% chance of helping
@luminoussun I would love to wear a sumo costume everywhere. I usually train with 150 lbs of body suit anyway

2020-11-06 04:19:19 UTC  

> @Jwolf same, i'd broken some rules even cos masks would kill a lost faster
@Sai Masks aren't just about protection. They are a re-assurance. If I have to wear a mask to return to school, I will gladly do so.

2020-11-06 04:19:20 UTC  

@( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) Yeah. I didn't know their gender... their voice was like inbetween male and female

2020-11-06 04:19:25 UTC  

this may be alien to you lefties but maybe stop being a pussy??

2020-11-06 04:19:28 UTC  

I was called a racist for showing for Floyd really died

2020-11-06 04:19:40 UTC  

@luminoussun yea I’m gonna call bullshit on that. 120 to 1? Maybe if your shitfaced

2020-11-06 04:19:47 UTC  

> @Sai wdym?
@Doctor Pepper, the First you were talking about saying smth in vaush's discord that could get someone rehabbed, what is it?

2020-11-06 04:19:49 UTC  

Nah, my school doesn’t even force people to wear masks

2020-11-06 04:19:55 UTC  

> @( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) Yeah. I didn't know their gender... their force was like inbetween male and female
@Doctor Pepper, the First And you shouldn't actively discriminate, but you had no way of knowing!

2020-11-06 04:19:57 UTC  

> I got banned from a server for sending a picture of my face 😥
@gggghhhheeee They could not handle looking upon perfection and their envy drove them to destroy the source.

2020-11-06 04:19:58 UTC  

@FLYNNL1VE5 don’t post random videos

2020-11-06 04:20:10 UTC  

We have <#719777555242287115>

2020-11-06 04:20:12 UTC  

> @( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) Yeah. I didn't know their gender... their voice was like inbetween male and female
@Doctor Pepper, the First my gender is assault rifle

2020-11-06 04:20:16 UTC  

Not random It is about the election

2020-11-06 04:20:21 UTC  

> @Sai Masks aren't just about protection. They are a re-assurance. If I have to wear a mask to return to school, I will gladly do so.
@( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ik but it gets harder to breathe in them everytime

2020-11-06 04:20:26 UTC  

It was off topic, just move it

2020-11-06 04:20:26 UTC  


2020-11-06 04:20:34 UTC  

I got called homophobic for saying I wouldnt date a trans person
I want kids

2020-11-06 04:20:44 UTC  


2020-11-06 04:20:47 UTC  

@gggghhhheeee you aren’t