Message from @Lewis
Discord ID: 774355136747274240
Me slighly less smoller Brian now
I dont speak russ
Well India and australia will have to do it alone now that Trump is gone
@Milouch what was result of Obama care? more people on part time and not full time so companies did not have to provide healthcare
no other languages, the mods will get you
> Me slighly less smoller Brian now
@Hot babe VK168.01 (P)
Small brian have small brain
Oh yeah. I said I spoke seagul and I got a warn <:KEK:726877368601411624> <:KEK:726877368601411624> <:KEK:726877368601411624>
Democrats are simple keep scum and stupid class down and tell them only way up is to vote for democrats.
while Republicans makes jobs, brings back jobs from china, mexico ect. media baaad
so many videos coming out that show poll workers filling out ballots
Maybe the states that voted for Trump should just start their own country Trumplandia 🤪
> @nyksharma China has literally bought South Asian countries
@newt-gecko-goat they have 20 bay port all around the world... they give money to weak countries then when they cant pay back china buys a bay port area form them to land their armies if the have to attack near by countries
usa emissions slowly goind down: HOW DARE YOU!? china going +200% in the last decades: look at what a good job china's doing! media: totally unbiased.
YO can we get a boogalo emote
@notJustin43 that falls under rule 3.
We live on a giant rock spinning around a 5 billion year old Nuclear explosion and that explosion is spining down a drain of other explosions into a hole in the middle
And this whirlpool is 1 of billions like
You sound like that one song from Monty Python
> We live on a giant rock spinning around a 5 billion year old Nuclear explosion and that explosion is sping down a drain of other explosions into a hole in the middle
> And this whirlpool is 1 of billions like it
@KingZapapple what
We are small
@nyksharma you know they turned conspiracy theory into a crazy term to disprove facts they don't like
> @hyperiacob but I shouldn't have to die to be happy and successful
@newt-gecko-goat as long as you believe in Jesus is the savior who die on are cross and you pick your own cross and denied yourself and stop your sins you should be fine
@Milouch people become stupider every day, and the fact that we can not have a discussion with liberals without being screamed at and called racist is a symbol of fruitlessness and we will not in this anytime soon. I do not think Civil war or anything like Jericho (100 points if you get that reference) but a mass devide and even futher polaristaiton and partisan policitcs is the way the US and world has to live now. we see same in UK with Brexit, media demonized everyone who voted for brexit, toar familys apart. freindship etc. I do not know what will be of ther world in 10 years, but it is not going to be good. for me it is secure my self and those around me
Wall of text i refuse to indulge
@Froski Sorry about that.
> We are small
@KingZapapple in the words of the animaniacs, it’s a great big universe and we’re all really puny, we’re just tiny little specks about the size of Mickey Rooney
> @newt-gecko-goat has long as you believe in Jesus is the savior who die on are cross and you pick your own cross and denied yourself and stop your sins you should be fine
@hyperiacob I really don't believe I need to die on a cross
I think Biden has won😪
RIP America
I would like to see a vote count without mail in will it be blue then?
its been fun while it lasted
> I think Biden has won😪
> RIP America
@Stg_Qube lets all move to russia
Humans are smaller than fuzz on a quark of an electron of an atom
i hope that if biden/harris try to take away your guns that the 70m armed americans just obliterate em