Message from @Error 404
Discord ID: 774685138889342987
omg i wish i could share screenshots of what my daughter is texting to me lmaao
They will do lawsuits, and recount, but I think Biden may still win after that...
Trump has not ever given up. So whoever thinks he's gonna walk out of the white house with his tail between his legs has not known Trump. This will be taken to court and we have the majority so that means we win.
Instead of having Biden for president why not just send the dems to China? Fucking idiots
> I’m excited for democrats to realize what it’s like living in a broken country
@simply_wil they probably moving to another country after biden fucks up america
Like eric trump said, the republican party without a backbone is gone
For real, in 4 years Republicans are going to *sweep*, people will be tired of dementia
I don't mind if Sleepy Joe is truly Chief but I just hope he would at least not mess up peace treaties and keeps the economy going
If we can’t get Biden outa that office then we will just leave him to sulk in his shame
I hope the american people wake up from the simulation and take the red pill they need
> America was founded on rebels. Y’all really think we’re going down without a fight?
@Error 404 but this time we aint fighting tea sucking cunts,we're fighting our own
> I don't mind if Sleepy Joe is truly Chief but I just hope he would at least not mess up peace treaties and keeps the economy going
@Hipp0 you're a fool if you think he would
You know what ladies and gents? Fuck it. Biden is our president now, even if we don't like it. If this makes it in the courts, then halleluiah, but I want these people SUFFER LIKE THE LITTE BITCHES THEY ARE.
> @Tex why not?
@ScaryScarab theres still court proceedings to occur, and it wont be smart to be the one who shoots first
<:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288> **Voting should have ended on 3rd of Nov.** <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288>
So Nancy pelosi and George soros owned part of the software that caused the glitch and social media sill delete all claims of it so please spreed this information
arizona is called for Joe Biden
> @Error 404 but this time we aint fighting tea sucking cunts,we're fighting our own
@Xanth I do not consider American hating dems our own
Hey guys I ate joe Biden
Take the red pill
As long as we got the senate and the house.. I think we’ll be ok
The votes technically haven’t all been counted yet right? Biden winning is just a projection?
LOL Guilianni right now ahahahaha
@simply_wil He won't get a day one.
4 more years.
> The votes technically haven’t all been counted yet right? Biden winning is just a projection?
@⚠ Identity Crisis ⚠ No, he won.
Russian collusion!!!!!
> The votes technically haven’t all been counted yet right? Biden winning is just a projection?
@⚠ Identity Crisis ⚠ idk ;(
> @ScaryScarab theres still court proceedings to occur, and it wont be smart to be the one who shoots first
@Tex doesn't mean we don't fight
Here comes the bugaloo!!!!
>Economy Crashes
>Start 5 wars
>Iran and Noth Korea mobilize nuclear weapons
CNN: One of the most productive and greatest presidencies!
There's not a lot to impeach Biden on... *yet*, we can't pull a Pelosi and impeach for no reason
Perception is reality to these dems
> Russian collusion!!!!!
@99ozMilk You're turning into what we were against, stop it.
> Joe biden WON
@Xalerty Wrong
> @Tex doesn't mean we don't fight
@ScaryScarab correct, but the last thing we need to be is reckless
Joe biden is 20k ahead in Arizona with 90 % counted and it's called