Discord ID: 740506118211764285
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Oh bro is that Freedom toons!
Dude! I love you!
Oh okay, well I love it anyway!
XD Joe biden's verse in won't you debate me was good.
XD you see that big ass teleprompter in his rallies?
Yeah I know how you feel, it can be very over whelming.
2020 4 more years
Oh yeah!
joe biden is seriously decling and trump is getting more orange day by day-
I got some good pics to prove
I took this at a rally.
Umm greenvile-
Oh oop-
Oh well-
wth is a milk man?
xD I can't keep up with this stuff
Oh shit!
Oop sorry-
LUIVQQ Among us
LUIVQQ Among us
Yeah I'm open
Hey y'all do you think Trump will loose this election?
I'm realling panicing if they win
God i hope he wins, if he doesn't I'll be really depressed
Like I saw on tik tok everything is so biased and hell I'm so mad they are going my body my choice and I am so pissed
I remeber the day Obama won I started crying and was really young
Because I was really young and hated obama lol
Ah seems very interesting
> My mom is getting uneasy and is nervous that Trump might lose
@ThatShadyVandal same I have been getting sick
If Biden gets elected I'll sigh and salute to my flag than remove my Maga hat
I know! Haha
> You know whats funny, is on TMZ, they were talking about how they're worried about violence post-election
I hate tik tok I deleted it today it's all fat blue hair girls saying ✨ My body my choice
> some people really get their news from tik tok
Is Libral Hivemind in this server?
I'm pro life
abortion is murder
Haha amen
> I dont think abortions at 8 months in should be legal and I also dont think the government should give any funding to planned parenthood
@minecraftgamer420 I agree with you
Abortion is murder, you are killing children.
If they can have Abortion than we do not have to wear our masks in stores
It's our body our choice.
Why are the mods banning?
We didn't do anything wrong did we?
> @InstantTatertot are you democrat?
@BrightPopz No sir I am a Conservitive
Exuse me Minoires what are we doing wrong
I wish I could have a Trump 2020 on my pfp but most of my friends are libral
I hope I don't get ban
I hoping to make some new conservitive friends
Hey y'all, make sure to check out Libral Hivemind! The channel is shadow banned and we need to get the views up
whats up?
XD Biden for Resident!
Lemme tell you the left just seems like they are taking notes out of the giver for god sake
Thank you Trump.
Oh damn-
@Devildog1775 no not rn
Who thinks Trump will win. If Yes put the check mark. If no put the X mark
how cute
> @InstantTatertot love the username
@SmokyCopCar Thanks bud-
Trump 3030
Freeze him like Captian America.
Hug 2
Trump 3030
"We will Make America Great Again Again Again."
Everybody, Pray We need the sun belt and Arizona!
Yeah Abl for President-
Trump better pull a bush 2000
> im a troll for having a different opinion?
<@!773779352935464982> You are just trying to get us rowled up.
Ban John
If Trump still has a chance
put a check mark or if not put a x mark.
No matter what happens, Jesus Christ is still our savior.
Guys Trump can Win-
has he ever given up on us?
Trump has not ever given up. So whoever thinks he's gonna walk out of the white house with his tail between his legs has not known Trump. This will be taken to court and we have the majority so that means we win.
> Joe biden WON
@Xalerty Wrong
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