Message from @Tex
Discord ID: 774686442462642196
> @ScaryScarab nah because if you start causing issues now before the courts have even had a chance to look it could damage our chances of getting trump in via courts
@Tex You act as though the courts don't already know, trust me they do- doing nothing will get nothing done
They had to rush ballots so much they could only do the presidential vote and not fill in the rest of the ballot, + there's other ways to determine fraudulent ballots, we just need to hold the right people's feet to the fire to get them to do their job.
Well, at least Zed has a lot of Biden gaffe videos coming these next four years! 🤣🤣🤣😗
guys go to twitter and search loser, then go to people
Zed needs to put out more videos
So glad I ain’t American
So, how many days do you give him?
black pill had been taken<:CursedEmoji:763140778770825247>
> Well, at least Zed has a lot of Biden gaffe videos coming these next four years! 🤣🤣🤣😗
@Redneck Corporal Sethry it ain't over yet. We have proof of fraud and it will be made known
Lol I knew Biden would win for months, it was obvious what was gonna happen
> Well, at least Zed has a lot of Biden gaffe videos coming these next four years! 🤣🤣🤣😗
@Redneck Corporal Sethry minor silver lining ig
Im not american too but trump was our only hope of keeping china away
Biden won y’all
Zed's on a fishing vacation right? No vids right now <:FeelsBadMan:446788632662114327>
> So glad I ain’t American
@AMMOkray But we gotta deal with the Chinese alone now
This sucks, I just got my maga hat in the mail today. Welp- 30 dollars well spent-
Kamala will replace Biden in abouuuttt.... 1 month
> @Tex You act as though the courts don't already know, trust me they do- doing nothing will get nothing done
@ScaryScarab supreme court isnt what it used to be, after all those that trump appointed
Dem: show us hard evidence.
us: shows video of lady filling out stamping and filling out ballots
Dem: seems legitimate to us.
I’m holding onto my MAGA hat till Jan 10 when trump is announced as pres <:salut:730846445732888630>
> Well, at least Zed has a lot of Biden gaffe videos coming these next four years! 🤣🤣🤣😗
@Redneck Corporal Sethry can one of the clips just be a 10x sped up video of the entire election coverage and ending with the SCOTUS decision for trump
I give it at least a year
why did I hear stuff that Biden won-
Bruhh, I'm calling it, if Biden gets away with this, within a few weeks some incriminating information will be uncovered about Roberts (the blackmail dem used to get him to vote with the libs on the Pennsylvania decision), Roberts will be forced to resign, baddabang another Supreme court seat for the left.
bunch of spineless, gullible blue pills in here. 🙄
People people we need someone classy in office.... bring fourth Betty White
I meant til we kick him out, not until he dies
> bunch of spineless, gullible blue pills in here. 🙄
@cptunicorn bro what lmao
because media is fake @SNOMNOMNOM
Everybody..whatever happens, we know that Trump had some kick ass dance moves.
all the medias have given Biden the presidency
Why am I hearing rumors that biden won..?
but who control the military
because he did
Because technically he has.
> Why am I hearing rumors that biden won..?
@SNOMNOMNOM Because Fox and AP etc called the presidency for Biden. Bunch of frauds.
I give biden 4 months in office before Harris and pelosi kick him out in to a care home