Message from @Sai

Discord ID: 775405828432986144

2020-11-09 17:03:10 UTC  

You can link images here, since links still work

2020-11-09 17:03:15 UTC  

thanks, my lib tard Journalize teacher is making me write a story were Biden wins.

2020-11-09 17:03:16 UTC  


2020-11-09 17:03:30 UTC  

Of course

2020-11-09 17:03:42 UTC  

Anyway a spider just crawled on my brother's bed

2020-11-09 17:03:47 UTC  

And I killed it

2020-11-09 17:03:55 UTC  

> thanks, my lib tard Journalize teacher is making me write a story were Biden wins.
@ThePersonOfFun make a plot twist in it where trump comes back as the under dog and wins the battle

2020-11-09 17:04:10 UTC  

All I’m saying is a left leaning Indian women is likely one of the worst people for our country right now to be president. They will destroy America for sheer joy of watching it crumble

2020-11-09 17:04:15 UTC  

See image

2020-11-09 17:04:22 UTC  


2020-11-09 17:04:26 UTC  

I see trump coming back and sniping the win from biden

2020-11-09 17:04:31 UTC  

I cant, I need a good grade in the class an she put me on background info

2020-11-09 17:04:35 UTC  

Oh wait, images are now magically allowed

2020-11-09 17:04:48 UTC  

I'll be laughing my ass off when, as many Trump Votes got trashed ,we STILL end up LEGALLY with more votes than Biden's actuals, once the FAKE VOTES have been gotten rid of, and Tump becomes PRESIDENT again.

2020-11-09 17:05:02 UTC  

Creepy mods just sitting there watching and not talking

2020-11-09 17:05:16 UTC  

Lmfao my libertard teacher tried to say biden won😂😂😂

2020-11-09 17:05:17 UTC  

> I'll be laughing my ass off when, as many Trump Votes got trashed ,we STILL end up LEGALLY with more votes than Biden's actuals, once the FAKE VOTES have been gotten rid of, and Tump becomes PREISENT again.
@Okori Inaka Joe will have to go back to his basement ig

2020-11-09 17:05:36 UTC  

> @Okori Inaka ok. do u have a source for votes being trashed
@Evicheemy Yeah. This entire chat where all the proof has been posted.

2020-11-09 17:05:42 UTC  

I wanted to say Lol with the illegal votes

2020-11-09 17:05:55 UTC  

The proofs should've been pinned, theyrr too far up

2020-11-09 17:06:02 UTC  

Maybe joe will dig a hole to China so they can still be friends when he’s not elected

2020-11-09 17:06:03 UTC

2020-11-09 17:06:06 UTC  

how have the court cases been going for Trump so far?

2020-11-09 17:06:22 UTC  

Idk i have no update on my end

2020-11-09 17:06:28 UTC  

> The proofs should've been pinned, theyrr too far up
@Sai There's so much proof, it can't all be pinned.

2020-11-09 17:06:33 UTC  

2 lawsuits got threw out because of the democrat judges they know what they are doing.

2020-11-09 17:06:44 UTC  

> @Okori Inaka a credible source
@Evicheemy Obviously. >^.^<

2020-11-09 17:06:52 UTC  

You asked? We all delivered.

2020-11-09 17:06:55 UTC  

<#760648730431979560> also has tons of proof

2020-11-09 17:07:03 UTC  

Thanks Smoky

2020-11-09 17:07:23 UTC  

Oh yeah, i think there are pinned ones in the elections chat

2020-11-09 17:07:47 UTC  

Maybe but it’s also been a primary topic for days in there

2020-11-09 17:08:06 UTC  

We all know damn straight Biden hasn’t won to think he has you are stupid asf and you wanted that Cheater scoundrel in.

2020-11-09 17:08:32 UTC  

Yeah i cant stand biden

2020-11-09 17:08:33 UTC  

> @Dr. Taco you think that this sort of thing doesnt happen in a few cases in every election?

2020-11-09 17:08:51 UTC  

I mean, the proof to be seen is here in this Discord, amongst many other sources. We're not here to treat you like a baby and put ever piece of evidence in front of you here in this chat, when it's in all the others. It's your job to take a look, and either accept it for the truth it is, or disregard it as the rest of the Left wants to do to support the cheating fraud that Biden and the rest of the Left is mired in.

2020-11-09 17:08:59 UTC  

Brian kilme is a fucking idiot.

2020-11-09 17:09:11 UTC  


2020-11-09 17:09:13 UTC  

Bruh Kamala Harris isn’t even black

2020-11-09 17:09:25 UTC  

“The military is ready to give out vaccines by the end of the month”