Discord ID: 775408303198175232

2020-11-09 17:11:57 UTC  

I've seen so much evidence for the fraud, I live across the pond and I can smell the bullshit from here.

2020-11-09 17:12:07 UTC  


2020-11-09 17:12:29 UTC  

> I do. Project veritas is an incredibly biased conspiracy site
@Evicheemy conspiracy? They literally make their videos by interviewing witnesses and doing actual journalism.

2020-11-09 17:12:48 UTC  

Do we have a snowflake in the chat

2020-11-09 17:13:14 UTC  

@aName yeah that's surreal they know how to play the game and they have the left bought in, scary really

2020-11-09 17:13:15 UTC  


2020-11-09 17:13:19 UTC  

Dude it's not that it can only be smelled. It's floated across the pond, washed ashore, and now YOU'RE having to deal with the Neo-Librarian/Democratic Leftist ideals of Socialism and Cancel Culture.

2020-11-09 17:13:40 UTC  

I hate socialists

2020-11-09 17:13:49 UTC  

> @Dr. Taco ok bub. they 'just interview people' the same was steven crowder 'interviews people'
@Evicheemy and how’s that???

2020-11-09 17:13:53 UTC  

I live in a third world country and i know what a rigged election looks like. The whistleblowers coming out to testify are one of the signs

2020-11-09 17:14:12 UTC  

> @Okori Inaka just wondering, what does social programes have to do with cancel culture?
@Evicheemy I didn't say Social, I said Socialist. Don't try to twist my words.

2020-11-09 17:14:14 UTC  

Ohhh they know Kamala isn’t black so they call her a person of color instead

2020-11-09 17:14:35 UTC  

That’s kind of racist just labeling them like that

2020-11-09 17:14:42 UTC  

> Ohhh they know Kamala isn’t black so they call her a person of color instead
@Violin what is kamalas weekly pronoun? Just person of color this week?

2020-11-09 17:14:52 UTC  


2020-11-09 17:14:56 UTC  

Socialist, which means there's an ideaology and agenda behind it.

2020-11-09 17:15:19 UTC  

A British dude called her “Indian” in a Twitter post and now they’re calling him racist

2020-11-09 17:15:26 UTC  

> I live in a third world country and i know what a rigged election looks like. The whistleblowers coming out to testify are one of the signs
@Sai what country

2020-11-09 17:15:33 UTC  

> @Okori Inaka is that actually what you think socialism is?
@Evicheemy Nope. That's just how it functions.

2020-11-09 17:15:44 UTC  

Run from Indian professors at uni. Pro tip. They will fail you

2020-11-09 17:15:45 UTC  

@Violin you cant say anything these days its all racist

2020-11-09 17:15:50 UTC  

@Evicheemy When was the last time Project Veritas interviewed "uneducated college students" since you're comparing them to Steven Crowder?

2020-11-09 17:16:05 UTC  

> @Sai what country

Philippines. We had at two contested elections in just a decade

2020-11-09 17:16:08 UTC  

> sOcIaISm Is wHen tHe gOverMent DoEs sTuff
@Evicheemy finally! now you see. Defund the government!

2020-11-09 17:16:11 UTC  

@black cyborg Jubei stop with the anti Indian comments

2020-11-09 17:16:23 UTC  

> @Dr. Taco you take single conversations, out of a long recording, with uneducated college students, and then you ask them flawed questions and gish gallop the fuck out of them untill they concede
@Evicheemy uneducated college students? They are interviewing grown postal workers and letting them tell the story. Smh. Yeah, you just keep on listening to CNN. Let them tell you what you should believe.

2020-11-09 17:16:42 UTC  

Humor Detector Activated

2020-11-09 17:16:56 UTC  

It’s not about Indian it’s about POC crazy left wingers don’t be a ❄️

2020-11-09 17:17:05 UTC  

But for clarity so was I

2020-11-09 17:17:08 UTC  

I wore my shirt that said. My rights dont end where your feelings begin. And my trump hat i dont think anyone was happy .:)

2020-11-09 17:17:10 UTC  

Yeah. Being part-Cherokee myself, I can say that comments like that are not native to productive conversation.

2020-11-09 17:17:31 UTC  

Remember that although money might not bring u happyness...but it sure does give u more options.

2020-11-09 17:17:32 UTC  

||I am free from discord censorship jail. ||

2020-11-09 17:17:37 UTC  

> thats not actually what socialsm is
@Evicheemy socialism is communism but without the violent overthrow and instead achieved through political means.

2020-11-09 17:17:58 UTC  

Whats up Qwerty

2020-11-09 17:18:01 UTC  

> @Dr. Taco I dont usually watch cnn, however cnn has far less of a political agenda than veritas does
@Evicheemy less? Lmao. CNN is biased as all heck

2020-11-09 17:18:02 UTC  

my teacher is like the nytimes is a good source nytimes "Biden Wins Presidency, Ending Four Tumultuous Years Under Trump"

2020-11-09 17:18:04 UTC  

> Remember that although money might not bring u happyness...but it sure does give u more options.
@qwerty_😎 Rich people tell you money is evil so they can keep it all

2020-11-09 17:18:07 UTC  

No, you have made several anti Indian comments, I didn’t even say anything the first two times but there’s no reason to continue with it. Just stop making those comments or you’ll see where it leads 

2020-11-09 17:18:18 UTC  

> my teacher is like the nytimes is a good source nytimes "Biden Wins Presidency, Ending Four Tumultuous Years Under Trump"
@ThePersonOfFun karmas going to hit hard after the courts lmao

2020-11-09 17:18:31 UTC  

Hola my peoples