Message from @KyrosTheWarrior
Discord ID: 775473366798434305
Oh yes it will
And the MSM.
Hello people
didnt he spearhead the war in iraq
and the future of conservatism as a whole
Hello, Lucario!
No, the future of voting, of media's interpretation, of big tech. It will be brought down. It will be glorious.
Hmmm maybe a system should be put in place, a system to determine if a voter is real 🤔 I'll call this system "people name thingy" yeah.
How about, the future of all
MSM news =Marxist socialist modify news!
Yeah that
What have we learnt from the Western world and elections! - We are really BAD at it! I voted in Brexit look how thats working out LOL
Boris is a shill. Someone has him by the short hairs.
Aren't you out already?
@Nowhere-incoming OR GOING IN PERSON WITH ID
. 🤬
> What have we learnt from the Western world and elections! - We are really BAD at it! I voted in Brexit look how thats working out LOL
@AmyMememaker That's out garbage politicians not getting anything done.
I think they will be out next... year? Maybe? I dunno
Brexit is STILL in limbo
Oh boy are we talking about how bad brexit is going
Oh dear Christ how is it still in limbo
Not out
Britain needs to vote in Nigel Farage.
I think uk gov want us to forget it happened lol
Yup, still.
I thought they came up with a gameplan and everything?
Because Boris is soft.
We did get a trade deal with Japan that set the libs reeing tho
> Britain needs to vote in Nigel Farage.
@moonchildbu I honestly don't see it happening tbh.
Boris is basically the REP party in UK .. and he is f'ing USLESSSS
I'm sure, but he's at least got a pair.
Oh dear God, just why though? The EU literally has done practically nothing for the UK
Virgin Boris getting Rona
Chad Trump infecting Rona
I talked to a police officers saying antifa and blm were pointing guns at them saying fuck trump and he said he was mad that media says it was trump supporters that were pointing guns
And I will say that maybe I don't know enough about Britain and their elections.
At least the USA has a chance for a Trump . here in UK we dont have that