Message from @LuckyPuffy

Discord ID: 776061698167013449

2020-11-11 12:28:41 UTC  

I've never seen someone so in love with masks before

2020-11-11 12:28:45 UTC  

His nose is invincible he's sniffed so many women, viruses die in Joes nose @SamTheG

2020-11-11 12:28:49 UTC  

Everywhere he goes he's got one or more on

2020-11-11 12:28:51 UTC  

they will enforce whatever they see fit, with the racist, corona, not right generally tactic and whoever doesn't obey will be eaten alive

2020-11-11 12:29:28 UTC  

@NAME_ Just wait and see

2020-11-11 12:29:49 UTC  

so if people rise up, no democracy, if we let biden win no democracy ever again

2020-11-11 12:30:01 UTC  

the US is not a democracy

2020-11-11 12:30:03 UTC  

USA is doomed and whoever ignores this, will have a bad day

2020-11-11 12:30:20 UTC  

Stop it with your dooming

2020-11-11 12:30:28 UTC  

We are not doomed

2020-11-11 12:30:32 UTC  

every layer of gov is corrupt now

2020-11-11 12:30:33 UTC  

Y’all member that time when Trump helped that marine who’s hat flew off by giving it back to him?

2020-11-11 12:30:36 UTC  

how is it not doomed ?

2020-11-11 12:30:42 UTC  

will it clean up natrually somehow?

2020-11-11 12:30:55 UTC  

Your eyes are blind, you see what they want you to, you eat what you're fed

2020-11-11 12:30:57 UTC  

yes once trump gets reelected

2020-11-11 12:31:01 UTC  

will the poeple wake up ?? by who ? FOX ? CNN?

2020-11-11 12:31:11 UTC  

We don't watch the silly news

2020-11-11 12:31:17 UTC  

you think newsmax is enough to wake up enough voters

2020-11-11 12:31:36 UTC  

I literally just said We don't watch the silly news

2020-11-11 12:32:07 UTC  

Even FOX is kinda associated with the establishment

2020-11-11 12:32:09 UTC  


2020-11-11 12:32:12 UTC  

you don't most of USA does

2020-11-11 12:32:19 UTC  

FOX is the most famous TV channel in USA

2020-11-11 12:32:21 UTC  

> Even FOX is kinda associated with the establishment
@LuckyPuffy 100%

2020-11-11 12:32:24 UTC  

biggest rates

2020-11-11 12:32:28 UTC  

Fox just put a shotgun in their mouth and pulled the trigger when they silenced Kmac

2020-11-11 12:32:29 UTC  

Fox sucks balls

2020-11-11 12:32:32 UTC  

When that fellas hat flew off again you can see Trumps face and I cant help but laugh at that everytime

2020-11-11 12:32:35 UTC  

and they are now as fake as it gets

2020-11-11 12:32:46 UTC  

Come on man, it’s in the name. What do you expect from a fox, let’s be serious 🤣

2020-11-11 12:32:54 UTC  

but yeah the "god will one day come down and save us all" will totally work

2020-11-11 12:32:54 UTC  


2020-11-11 12:33:08 UTC  

If y’all need a pick me up go watch it

2020-11-11 12:34:09 UTC  

We will rise again.

2020-11-11 12:34:48 UTC  

sure you will

2020-11-11 12:34:50 UTC  

like cuba

2020-11-11 12:34:55 UTC  

or Venezuela

2020-11-11 12:35:10 UTC  

We are not Venezuela.

2020-11-11 12:35:16 UTC  

look can you stop with the doomer shit

2020-11-11 12:35:23 UTC  

literally leave