Message from @NAME_

Discord ID: 776061487512682526

2020-11-11 12:28:26 UTC  

I can't figure out a safe path for America. USA was doomed from not any time, but generally by all this time that corrupt politicians bought more and more power
more and more of the media whithout anyone stoping them
we are at the point where they have all the power now, and rise up or not will all lead to a lot of violence no democracy no normal life

2020-11-11 12:28:28 UTC  


2020-11-11 12:28:41 UTC  

I've never seen someone so in love with masks before

2020-11-11 12:28:45 UTC  

His nose is invincible he's sniffed so many women, viruses die in Joes nose @SamTheG

2020-11-11 12:28:49 UTC  

Everywhere he goes he's got one or more on

2020-11-11 12:28:51 UTC  

they will enforce whatever they see fit, with the racist, corona, not right generally tactic and whoever doesn't obey will be eaten alive

2020-11-11 12:29:28 UTC  

@NAME_ Just wait and see

2020-11-11 12:29:49 UTC  

so if people rise up, no democracy, if we let biden win no democracy ever again

2020-11-11 12:30:01 UTC  

the US is not a democracy

2020-11-11 12:30:03 UTC  

USA is doomed and whoever ignores this, will have a bad day

2020-11-11 12:30:20 UTC  

Stop it with your dooming

2020-11-11 12:30:28 UTC  

We are not doomed

2020-11-11 12:30:32 UTC  

every layer of gov is corrupt now

2020-11-11 12:30:33 UTC  

Y’all member that time when Trump helped that marine who’s hat flew off by giving it back to him?

2020-11-11 12:30:36 UTC  

how is it not doomed ?

2020-11-11 12:30:42 UTC  

will it clean up natrually somehow?

2020-11-11 12:30:55 UTC  

Your eyes are blind, you see what they want you to, you eat what you're fed

2020-11-11 12:30:57 UTC  

yes once trump gets reelected

2020-11-11 12:31:01 UTC  

will the poeple wake up ?? by who ? FOX ? CNN?

2020-11-11 12:31:11 UTC  

We don't watch the silly news

2020-11-11 12:31:17 UTC  

you think newsmax is enough to wake up enough voters

2020-11-11 12:31:36 UTC  

I literally just said We don't watch the silly news

2020-11-11 12:32:07 UTC  

Even FOX is kinda associated with the establishment

2020-11-11 12:32:09 UTC  


2020-11-11 12:32:12 UTC  

you don't most of USA does

2020-11-11 12:32:19 UTC  

FOX is the most famous TV channel in USA

2020-11-11 12:32:21 UTC  

> Even FOX is kinda associated with the establishment
@LuckyPuffy 100%

2020-11-11 12:32:24 UTC  

biggest rates

2020-11-11 12:32:28 UTC  

Fox just put a shotgun in their mouth and pulled the trigger when they silenced Kmac

2020-11-11 12:32:29 UTC  

Fox sucks balls

2020-11-11 12:32:32 UTC  

When that fellas hat flew off again you can see Trumps face and I cant help but laugh at that everytime

2020-11-11 12:32:35 UTC  

and they are now as fake as it gets

2020-11-11 12:32:46 UTC  

Come on man, it’s in the name. What do you expect from a fox, let’s be serious 🤣

2020-11-11 12:32:54 UTC  

but yeah the "god will one day come down and save us all" will totally work

2020-11-11 12:32:54 UTC  


2020-11-11 12:33:08 UTC  

If y’all need a pick me up go watch it

2020-11-11 12:34:09 UTC  

We will rise again.

2020-11-11 12:34:48 UTC  

sure you will

2020-11-11 12:34:50 UTC  

like cuba

2020-11-11 12:34:55 UTC  

or Venezuela

2020-11-11 12:35:10 UTC  

We are not Venezuela.