Message from @Thawne
Discord ID: 776257750648619028
About all the stuff and info on voter fraud?
I’m asking my non political friends to see if that’s the case
@Max4Z voter fraud voter fraud voter fraud voter fraud....
Any of you getting sus that yt is doing this on purpose
I tried signing out of my youtube but it still doesn't work
@ZeusXander I tried logged out but no difference.
Backup YT is down too, understandably cause it’s just YT with a alt sorta...
@NightBear he said “fk bitches, get money” a long with Biden is not the real president
Google makes way too much money off YouTube to do this on purpose.
It won’t work until they fix it
reloading to yt main page its all black where the videos would be
@Mythiasorcio are they doing a blm movement? That would be there excus
Discord went down the other day
Anybody knows why YouTube is down?
YT is our World Wide not the Nation
Truly Ground breaking...
because Hunter Smoked all their Crack 😄
I got locked by twitter and at the same time YT is locked
I got 6 days works for me now
Don’t blame malice what could be explained by incompetence
The people on discord is going up
What's up makki
Remember if Biden wins everyone will get bootstraps and a ~~whore~~ horse
I'm going to general 2; too much spam here
Guess we'll have to go to bitchute. Or anything else.
> Google makes way too much money off YouTube to do this on purpose.
@Stargatemaster96 actually no, fun fact YT is a net deficit for google
@makki don't worry makki it's a coincidence, I wear