Message from @Simpnautica

Discord ID: 777466462863884298

2020-11-15 09:31:30 UTC  

> If asia is also becoming more progressive then fuck
@alex5428alex depends on where you live. I'm from southern vietnam, we're pretty progressive (compare to the conservative standard in Asia). But in the north? The wife had to eat from a separate tray compared to the husband's family

2020-11-15 09:31:34 UTC  

Well then they both probably said it

2020-11-15 09:31:36 UTC  

Anti-war unless of course trump is against it.

2020-11-15 09:31:36 UTC  

The U.S. might become a socialist country in some time.

2020-11-15 09:32:00 UTC  

> @alex5428alex *Lenin
@LuckyPuffy if there's something marx was right about: all society will become communist regime

2020-11-15 09:32:10 UTC  

Trump is always anti-war. 👍

2020-11-15 09:32:19 UTC  

Unless if it's on Twitter lol.

2020-11-15 09:32:28 UTC  

My international affairs would be more personal and 1-on-1 instead of organizations like the EU or UN

2020-11-15 09:32:31 UTC  

trump gotta laid back on twitter lmao

2020-11-15 09:32:35 UTC  

Actually funny tho trump is pro money and war makes america a lot of money

2020-11-15 09:32:57 UTC  

War usually depletes money from countries.

2020-11-15 09:32:58 UTC  

pulling the troops back = money to fix infrastructure

2020-11-15 09:33:01 UTC  

If I were the president of my country, I wouldn’t leave NATO. But I may make my country leave the EU if I were president

2020-11-15 09:33:11 UTC  

The swiss knew this and stayed out of everything.

2020-11-15 09:33:18 UTC  

> Actually funny tho trump is pro money and war makes america a lot of money
@alex5428alex like oil?

2020-11-15 09:33:21 UTC  

@isoboto might be true europe is just one progressive step ahead of asia and asian wamen will turn cracy too hope not

2020-11-15 09:33:22 UTC  

> The swiss knew this and stayed out of everything.
@Rocci fucking swiss. smart as always

2020-11-15 09:33:35 UTC  

Oil. 🤤

2020-11-15 09:33:45 UTC  

Oil weapon manufactoring trade

2020-11-15 09:34:04 UTC  

> @isoboto might be true europe is just one progressive step ahead of asia and asian wamen will turn cracy too hope not
@alex5428alex in some countries it's still illegal to be gay. i think europeans and americans are frustrated at how stubborn is asians and middle east

2020-11-15 09:34:09 UTC  

i mean you can do whatever you want when you're the top dog ig

2020-11-15 09:34:50 UTC  

being gay isn't illegal in china? if so why didn't they just legalise gay instead of 1 child policy

2020-11-15 09:34:52 UTC  

^^^ A kind reminder that Trump did not involve the US in the war for oil and he was trying to pull troops back but his generals lied to him

2020-11-15 09:35:10 UTC  

@Rocci are y ou swisss?

2020-11-15 09:35:15 UTC  

Well being gay got inflated AF at some point it was a trent to become gay

2020-11-15 09:35:28 UTC  

No, there are no holes in me.

2020-11-15 09:35:42 UTC  

dad joke please

2020-11-15 09:35:51 UTC  

@isoboto only time Trump was called presidential by CNN was when i boombed shit holes

2020-11-15 09:36:08 UTC  

@Simpnautica Here you go 🙂 <#728498363347107891>

2020-11-15 09:36:33 UTC  

thanks for the free joke lol

2020-11-15 09:36:37 UTC  

Funny hiw the left want presidents to kill. Some wants him to kill terrorosts others unborn babies

2020-11-15 09:36:50 UTC  

@LuckyPuffy don't worry, EU will die by its own hand due to imigration

2020-11-15 09:37:06 UTC  

> being gay isn't illegal in china? if so why didn't they just legalise gay instead of 1 child policy
@Simpnautica being gay isn't illegal in china but you can't married. can't have a child if you ain't married, according to asian law books

2020-11-15 09:37:15 UTC  


2020-11-15 09:37:17 UTC  

Greece is dieing France is at werge of civil war

2020-11-15 09:37:32 UTC  

well that's kind of dumb. why go to the effort of 1 child policy

2020-11-15 09:37:39 UTC  

Greece died because of the euro

2020-11-15 09:37:40 UTC  

A civil war in France? 🍿

2020-11-15 09:37:44 UTC  

just have more people adopt kids

2020-11-15 09:37:53 UTC  

ik it's over now but

2020-11-15 09:37:55 UTC  

> well that's kind of dumb. why go to the effort of 1 child policy
@Simpnautica there are kids who are born illegally