Message from @alex5428alex

Discord ID: 777469611444666379

2020-11-15 09:43:44 UTC  

> idk why i'm debating over what china does
@Simpnautica at least somebody is standing up to chynah. i approve

2020-11-15 09:44:00 UTC  

Not much need to slow it down tho

2020-11-15 09:44:12 UTC  

didn't the hong kong democracy people get thrown away or something?

2020-11-15 09:44:37 UTC  

> didn't the hong kong democracy people get thrown away or something?
@Simpnautica a bunch of officials got tossed away

2020-11-15 09:44:41 UTC  


2020-11-15 09:44:47 UTC  

meh maybe?

2020-11-15 09:44:49 UTC  

Hong Kong no more

2020-11-15 09:44:56 UTC  

a lot of students there like to cause havok

2020-11-15 09:45:05 UTC  

> meh maybe?
@Simpnautica dictatorship don't go meh maybe with rebels, babe

2020-11-15 09:45:21 UTC  

china is a weird place

2020-11-15 09:45:29 UTC  

> a lot of students there like to cause havok
@Simpnautica well. the arrested student definitely didn't kill themselves in their prison cells

2020-11-15 09:45:31 UTC  

capitolist country run by a communist party

2020-11-15 09:45:48 UTC  

There are actually 2 chinas

2020-11-15 09:45:50 UTC  

> capitolist country run by a communist party
@Simpnautica communism is just capitalist, except the ceo is the government

2020-11-15 09:46:11 UTC  

No in communism there is no ceo

2020-11-15 09:46:19 UTC  
2020-11-15 09:46:21 UTC  

> There are actually 2 chinas
@alex5428alex 1 good china and 1 bad china, i assume?

2020-11-15 09:46:24 UTC  

Communism is a no leader policy

2020-11-15 09:46:31 UTC  

yeah what's the second china

2020-11-15 09:46:38 UTC  

> Communism is a no leader policy
@alex5428alex the "party" is the leader

2020-11-15 09:46:40 UTC  

Yes taiwan or republic of china

2020-11-15 09:46:41 UTC  

replaced thermalpaste on my cpu, temps droped by 15c.

2020-11-15 09:46:41 UTC  

Ew communism

2020-11-15 09:46:52 UTC  

> Ew communism
@ryan mythsword morning, i guess

2020-11-15 09:47:01 UTC  

taiwan isn't second china

2020-11-15 09:47:04 UTC  

Hahah hello to all

2020-11-15 09:47:05 UTC  

they're like opposite

2020-11-15 09:47:08 UTC  

communism is great! just make sure you are in the inner circle @ryan mythsword

2020-11-15 09:47:11 UTC  

> @alex5428alex the "party" is the leader
@isoboto again in communism there is no leader

2020-11-15 09:47:31 UTC  

Yes they are opposite one democratic one communist

2020-11-15 09:47:48 UTC  

> @isoboto again in communism there is no leader
@alex5428alex not in term of a solid leader, yes. but there's a commanding figure

2020-11-15 09:47:54 UTC  

Communism is so amazing! (Written by one of the nomenklatura members)

2020-11-15 09:47:57 UTC  


2020-11-15 09:48:04 UTC  

not even a commanding figure

2020-11-15 09:48:05 UTC  

???????? No leader in communism? Oh right it’s supposed to be equal but human nature is a big old roadblock for communism haha

2020-11-15 09:48:07 UTC  

if taiwan gets invaded (which China's interest is to have Taiwan taken over as stated by their map laws) you think the world would care?

2020-11-15 09:48:17 UTC  

The first month of 2021 is gonna be like the movie 28 day later

2020-11-15 09:48:27 UTC  

America and most of Asia would care I think

2020-11-15 09:48:40 UTC  

i mean what can you do though

2020-11-15 09:48:54 UTC  

true communisms is classless meaning eveyone is equal and none is above others

2020-11-15 09:48:55 UTC  

> if taiwan gets invaded (which China's interest is to have Taiwan taken over as stated by their map laws) you think the world would care?
@Simpnautica since when did the world care what china does