Message from @KingZapapple

Discord ID: 777602998129786941

2020-11-15 18:35:13 UTC  

Long pork best pork

2020-11-15 18:35:16 UTC  

i'm for real

2020-11-15 18:35:16 UTC  

It’s homiesexual

2020-11-15 18:35:19 UTC  

these mods are idiots

2020-11-15 18:35:27 UTC  

Ayyyyyyy homiesexual

2020-11-15 18:35:27 UTC  

> I’d love to drive a Tesla but I also love the smell of petrol too much
@toasby just get one of each

2020-11-15 18:35:33 UTC  


2020-11-15 18:35:35 UTC  

> these mods are idiots
@GotatoChi you be nice to the mods, I quite like them

2020-11-15 18:35:42 UTC  

> Not homosexual
So your not attracted to other homo sapians?

2020-11-15 18:35:44 UTC  

> @toasby just get one of each
@chromatically I can only dream 😂

2020-11-15 18:35:45 UTC  


2020-11-15 18:35:50 UTC  

They let me talk about cannibalism

2020-11-15 18:35:52 UTC  

> these mods are idiots
@GotatoChi I wouldn’t say that if I were you

2020-11-15 18:35:52 UTC  


2020-11-15 18:36:03 UTC  

@toasby just burn a can of oil while you drive

2020-11-15 18:36:04 UTC  

I’m an asexual plant 🌱 platypus femboi

2020-11-15 18:36:19 UTC  

> I’m an asexual plant 🌱 platypus femboi
@Max4Z that makes less than no sense

2020-11-15 18:36:24 UTC  

Tfw you fall in love with fellow humans so really you’re homosexual

2020-11-15 18:36:35 UTC  

bruh they gonna ban for saying opinions now?

2020-11-15 18:36:40 UTC  

@GotatoChi i think only totalitarian countries tell ppl what they are allowed to think

2020-11-15 18:36:41 UTC  

> these mods are idiots
🇧 🇴 🇳 🇰

2020-11-15 18:36:43 UTC  

Gotta be creative <:thinking:726878987837636698>

2020-11-15 18:36:45 UTC  
2020-11-15 18:36:55 UTC  

The mods are great if you don’t piss them off

2020-11-15 18:36:55 UTC  

Oh no MuH FrEe SpEeCH

2020-11-15 18:36:58 UTC  


2020-11-15 18:37:00 UTC  

Only for bad opinions, like being vegan

2020-11-15 18:37:02 UTC  

just make your own platform bro

2020-11-15 18:37:02 UTC  

Everybody **Relax** or imma get the a belt Out

2020-11-15 18:37:02 UTC  

@Domo mo and cnn

2020-11-15 18:37:04 UTC  

i think they are stupid sometimes

2020-11-15 18:37:05 UTC  

> @toasby just burn a can of oil while you drive
@Frozenflame like a scented candle but purely contributing to climate change

2020-11-15 18:37:08 UTC  

> bruh they gonna ban for saying opinions now?
@GotatoChi mods enforce the rules. which everyone agrees to once they enter the server

2020-11-15 18:37:22 UTC  

Read rules if you must, fam

2020-11-15 18:37:22 UTC  

> i think they are stupid sometimes
@GotatoChi the feelings are mutual

2020-11-15 18:37:23 UTC  

enforce rules sometimes

2020-11-15 18:37:24 UTC  

Can we make a rule that veganism is banned?

2020-11-15 18:37:26 UTC  

@Frozenflame USA was and is being slowly invaded by other ideologies ....

2020-11-15 18:37:36 UTC  

Not so slowly anymore

2020-11-15 18:37:38 UTC  

USA also still #1 come at my commies

2020-11-15 18:37:40 UTC  

Thanks google