Message from @mikeflarkin
Discord ID: 777912770565505044
I no scope everyday
One gender is off the spectrum
It's how he has his old m1 garand
Shit that sounded genocidial
I have an m2😳
No iron sights too?
20mm automatic
murica lol
I got a .22LR revolver, what now?
Slams drsk*
Fuck that
I’m using an airsoft
6mm bigger than .223
He took my 410 to a cliff side and shot trap with it..... 100/100 clay disc's
Oh my god I missed so much gold
The only thing I shot was (fill in the blank)
Couldn't an airsoft bullet still go through you?
Don’t disappoint me with answers
22 was fun for rodents but i like the .308 better
If it's going fast enough, theoretically yes @hyperiacob
No airsoft can break the skin but can’t kill you
> The only thing I shot was (fill in the blank)
@ial nosnah ruger 10/22.
There are air rifles that aren't strictly "airsoft" that could absolutely kill you
I shot my gun at 800fps
@ial nosnah don't worry the marines will give you enough steroids that you won't have to worry about anything but big muscles and small other things ;)
Stop bringing up my insecurities fuck
6mm will be a blessing lol
I’m asian too so