Message from @SpaceDandyJoestarGG

Discord ID: 779528402470305812

2020-11-21 02:04:11 UTC  

Mmm Klondike’s are good

2020-11-21 02:04:15 UTC  

I see how your scheme works now. LOL

Nazism was mainly a blend of socialism and radical nationalism/patriotism

2020-11-21 02:04:32 UTC  

Does anybody else love the sensation of there mouths burning by water after a mint? Lol shit Ronin!

2020-11-21 02:04:33 UTC  

The only good thing the Communist Manifesto is good for toilet paper and kindling.

2020-11-21 02:05:02 UTC  

Mein Kampf too. Screw em.

2020-11-21 02:05:10 UTC  

I swear Ronin I ain't scheming yet lol

2020-11-21 02:05:42 UTC  

It was in the 60s today in Michigan lol

2020-11-21 02:05:44 UTC  

I've never understood why everybody in countries that don't reflect their ideologies try to change that country, instead of just going to a place that already has their chosen system.

2020-11-21 02:05:49 UTC  

The burning of the mouth from a mint and water is great bro

2020-11-21 02:06:12 UTC  

Want socialism? Go to a socialist country.

2020-11-21 02:06:29 UTC  

Imagine all this typing and all he says is Bing bong

2020-11-21 02:06:32 UTC  

Want communism? same deal. Or find something closest to it.

2020-11-21 02:06:47 UTC  

Bing bong!

But there's many systems that aren't used really anymore. What if we wanted to live in a monarchy for example?

2020-11-21 02:06:52 UTC  

but the thing is, those people want to bring socialism here
and anywhere it isn't

2020-11-21 02:06:56 UTC  

Communism = socialism

2020-11-21 02:07:08 UTC  

Communism is gay

2020-11-21 02:07:18 UTC  

Lol yea it is

2020-11-21 02:07:20 UTC  

Socialism is diet communism.

2020-11-21 02:07:34 UTC  

Socialism is a step towards communism

2020-11-21 02:07:36 UTC  

While Stalin was the General Secretary of the USSR, there were no taxes, everything was owned by government, no private businesses, free healthcare, every person was given a job depending on their education, everyone had equal opportunity, no-one was in debt(including the government),everyone was given an apartment and if you had a more important job like a position in government or a nuclear physicist, you were given a car and a house and money. So the idea that everyone was dirt poor is a lie. Now, on to my point. After Stalin died, things quickly started taking a turn for the worse. There were laws passed that let people open private businesses, and some people even started to pay tax. This all escalated very quickly and when a traitor by the name of Gorbachev came in to power, he was under the payroll of big American companies and destroyed the country that was the soviet union. Because taxes were introduced and private businesses could open, Communism ceased to exist in that country and it became extreme socialism, which is very bad. In my opinion, Communism in its purest form like it was at the time of Stalin is the perfect socio-economic system as it gives everyone an equal opportunity to succeed, but unfortunately, since people are greedy animals and always want more, it will never be accomplished and almost certainly will cause more damage then good. That is why, in my opinion, Communism and Socialism should never be tried again or even introduced to Capitalistic societies as they will only bring destruction and evil.

2020-11-21 02:07:37 UTC  

There are still monarchies. There's even several versions.

2020-11-21 02:07:43 UTC  

Vladimir Lenin

2020-11-21 02:07:47 UTC  

Geez bud

2020-11-21 02:07:55 UTC  

Mom: *turns on Fredo show*

2020-11-21 02:08:34 UTC  

> you were given a car and a house and money
giving people money, imho, devalues the currency and makes them less likely to want to work

2020-11-21 02:08:39 UTC  

No wonder that dude with the Russian name was typing so long

2020-11-21 02:08:43 UTC  

I read it and its bad

2020-11-21 02:08:52 UTC  

why is it bad?

2020-11-21 02:09:30 UTC  

My family has personal ecperience with the soviet union and some of them were poor, while others on my family were highly successfull people

2020-11-21 02:09:51 UTC  

Because I own my own property and it's not some government bs that owns it.

2020-11-21 02:09:57 UTC  

The idea of Communism is a not bad itself but people suck

There's a great book called 'Communism and the Conscience of the West' by Fulton Sheen, it's really informative about the rise of Communism and what it was like.

2020-11-21 02:10:05 UTC  

First half seems like nothing is bad with communism and once they went to private crap bam bad Gorbachev evil and communism provided everything and nobody was poor.

2020-11-21 02:10:14 UTC  

also this
> everything was owned by government, no private businesses
that discourages growth, so while yes, you have less(or no) risk, you also have very little gain


2020-11-21 02:10:34 UTC  

there were definitely bad things there but nothing ad bad as the propagand regarding the soviet union

2020-11-21 02:10:39 UTC  

So again don't touch my shit and nobody gets hurt.

2020-11-21 02:10:48 UTC  

Communism ain't never communism because there's a leader the pure form of communism is no leader and everybody is equal

2020-11-21 02:11:04 UTC  

communism does not mean everyone is equal