Message from @Tervy
Discord ID: 353536909626310676
nah proper beers
barley wine has different process when its made
You might aswell start to drink ethanol
... really now ?
imperial stouts/porters are meant to have decent ammount of %
but i agree that "beers" like: Sink the bischmark and tactical nuclear penguin are not really beers
more just saber rattling that "we can do it if we want "
tactical nuclear penguin
thats a spirit
in theory not due its made like beer with beer hops etc :D
but sure its not meant for consumption like beer
but how does it get so high content? doesnt the yeast die after like 15% ?
freeze >take away water >repeat
most likely
i have to admit that nuclear penguin was quite tasty
(we had like 15 people sharing same bottle from shot glasses)
but 1 shotglass at max 3 is enough
speaking of brewdogs products
its darn worth the tasting if you happen to find place that sells it
specialy for stout friends
and bourbon/whiskey lovers
the 15% does not even taste tru the flavors
doubtful, never seen such things around here
folks a very conservative to beers here
dont even find a lot of stouts or anything therelike
Reinheitsgebot and such
;_; i feel bad for you
hello new fedora avi
tho apparently you can order from their webstore
... brb
imagine the slavsquatting you can do with these.
GODDAMIT GUYS KEEP THE OFFTOPIC HERE AND NOT IN GENERAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!