Message from @based cat

Discord ID: 780274766007238656

2020-11-23 03:31:15 UTC  

I just think some guys are cute

2020-11-23 03:31:26 UTC  

depending on the context. in asia, men are usually the more abusive one due to old thinking (but, again, pressures on male are stronger there so the data might be skewed)

2020-11-23 03:31:26 UTC  

yep and ill never knock you for making the call hug. as long as you dont hate me for disagreeing

2020-11-23 03:31:28 UTC  

Also why do men have to have the responsibility of having to protect women and children, what if they just want to have a wank and drink a beer

2020-11-23 03:31:47 UTC  

We can still disagree on things and be friends

2020-11-23 03:31:48 UTC  

trans man, i guess?

2020-11-23 03:31:55 UTC  

Because I'd rather KILL FIGHT DIE IT'S WHAT A SOLDIER SHOULD DO than wank and drink beer

2020-11-23 03:31:56 UTC  

no just a man

2020-11-23 03:31:57 UTC  

I need help, im trying to covince my little brother he's in a dream, any ideas? He's just scared of me now cause I went in his room and sung a song because he's super tired. (Its 10:30 PM)

2020-11-23 03:32:11 UTC  

But its when you start saying that im racist for disagreeing with you thats where I draw the line

2020-11-23 03:32:14 UTC  

i am a male lesbian

2020-11-23 03:32:15 UTC  

YESS! can we give this man a hero cookie please..

2020-11-23 03:32:19 UTC  

I don’t have a problem with peole that like same sex, my problem is when they try to hit on me, and I slap em

2020-11-23 03:32:25 UTC  

scottish are badass. change my mind

2020-11-23 03:32:28 UTC  

be nice to your little bro

2020-11-23 03:32:44 UTC  

@imminus if im gonna hit on a guy im gonna make sure he is at least bi first

2020-11-23 03:32:58 UTC  

nah im gonna make him think he's in a dream

2020-11-23 03:33:17 UTC  

Yeah I agree with this but hey at least you're not actively trying to kill him like my brother did

2020-11-23 03:33:18 UTC  

you can be nice to him and make him think he's in a dream at the same time

2020-11-23 03:33:18 UTC  

yes .. i have a gay friend and i have always said the same thing.. dont care if your gay but you ever hit on me i will hit you

2020-11-23 03:33:21 UTC  

by what?

2020-11-23 03:33:21 UTC  

It’s funny because in my state women are actually the highest propensity of domestic abuse and child abuse, Aussie men be just chilling, lesbian relationships have the highest likelihood of physical violence

2020-11-23 03:33:31 UTC  

So guys, have ya'll ever seen a trap and thought "damn she's hot" then you realized she had a penis. What do you do in the situation?

2020-11-23 03:33:33 UTC  

@Trump 2020 say you are dreaming then move around all squiggly

2020-11-23 03:33:42 UTC  

technically anybody can procreate. a gay can still mate with a lesbian and produce a kid. it's a bit more difficult and not pleasurable necessarily. so in a way it's a choice (following what you "feel" is "right").

2020-11-23 03:33:48 UTC  


2020-11-23 03:34:28 UTC  

no you need sperm and an egg to make babys without new age science its absolutlyy impossible to have a chile otherwise

2020-11-23 03:34:29 UTC  

I considered the idea of being gay and dating a woman, and I’d rather bash my head in, I can hardly handle maintaining female friends let alone being stuck with one

2020-11-23 03:34:31 UTC  

@Trump 2020 if possible put water in his ears

2020-11-23 03:34:33 UTC  


2020-11-23 03:34:41 UTC  

You don’t choose to be gay

2020-11-23 03:34:44 UTC  

welcome to facts

2020-11-23 03:34:44 UTC  

Depending on what they doin
A. If they tryna flirt imma cut they’re dick off and shove it down their throat
B. If they hitting on someone else imma tell that person they’re a Trap

2020-11-23 03:34:44 UTC  

I'm trapped in the bathroom

2020-11-23 03:34:56 UTC  

he's awake, well kinda.

2020-11-23 03:35:14 UTC  

Fake death

2020-11-23 03:35:19 UTC  

women can be nasty, for sure (most people assume otherwise because women are, as the ancient narrative goes, "weaker"). but women-to-women. whoo. that's even more terrible than men-to-men violence.

2020-11-23 03:35:21 UTC  

I'm scared because it's outside the door and the penis is larger than mine

2020-11-23 03:35:33 UTC  

if you are stupid enough to agree with more then 2 genders then you do not deserve to procreate

2020-11-23 03:35:33 UTC  

Cut it off

2020-11-23 03:35:41 UTC  

mine or its