Message from @Sin
Discord ID: 780279761653989377
yes canibalism lead to all kinda of shit
Anything living should be edible right?
mental illness rabies all kinds of other illnesses
yes as humans have a lot of calories
not true. we're still governed by some of our primal instincts. just because we're smarter doesn't mean we're no longer animals
How much calories do we have?
there is a reason widigo ledgend exists cause people go crazy when cannibals
idk but a lot
lemme search
Monkey tastes good when cooked right
i never said we were not i said we had an evolutionary advantege
In order to understand what makes humans unique is that you need to understand what the brain does and is, elephants for example have 3x the amount of neurons that humans do, but because the human motor cortex outputs to the digits and vocal apparatus, it means that we have an efficient means of communication and construction
81,500 calories in the average person
humans are still animals, and even though we're more sophisticated and advanced than other creatures on the planet, we still have instincts and primal urges like all the other animals
and no other animal comes close to that advantage
@×[ Ç ĥ ệ ƙ ổ ᶌ å ħ ]× in china they have traditions of eating monkey's brain in some area. general rule back in communist age in Vietnam: anything that can move is usually edible.
good point
@Texas Crusader I am probably 200k calories
If elephants, or hell, whales, had the same motor output, to the vocal apparatus and fine motor digit control, wed easily be wiped out
a lot of things you have to cook or properly prepare to be fully edible, otherwise you'd get sick or be poisoned
i did some research on this, and it's a specific protein that creates holes in brain when people started going cannibals as traditions (it's discovered on a small island, can't remember the name)
yup drives people nuts
hence ledgends like windigo come from canabilism
true. still. we're on top of the world doesn't mean we aren't animals.
More like that
we are just the alpha thats all
well i tried
I apreciate the thought
and take away our brains and tools we would fall from the top real fast
imagine if other animals evolved to be as intelligent as humans are and we had other creatures to compete against for world domination
Dogs would be humans allies
hell yeah
well if they took away are brains i think we would die
funny you mentioned that. a few years back i read up an article of a restaurant cooking ants as their dish
dogs are epic