Message from @BIRdOS

Discord ID: 782321572496932924

2020-11-28 18:59:43 UTC  

hey man

2020-11-28 18:59:48 UTC  

Also Feminists. I need someone to pay for my birth control since I am a slut

2020-11-28 18:59:50 UTC  

chatlies Angel's great movie

2020-11-28 18:59:56 UTC  


2020-11-28 19:00:05 UTC  

you don't need to empower women by tearing men down

2020-11-28 19:00:25 UTC  

I remember when the director was wondering why men aren't watching the movie

2020-11-28 19:00:28 UTC  

it was rather funny

2020-11-28 19:01:12 UTC  

It is amazing how many women are always "independent" but get all a flutter when a man holds the door for them.

2020-11-28 19:01:44 UTC  

this was hilarious

2020-11-28 19:02:12 UTC  

I think a good dynamic is a when a woman is perfectly capable and the man is also perfectly capable but they know to work together to get things done better

2020-11-28 19:02:54 UTC  

a good movie starting women last year was mmm little women

2020-11-28 19:02:57 UTC  

that was good

2020-11-28 19:03:59 UTC  

Diesel patches is hilarious

2020-11-28 19:04:41 UTC  

Feminists want men to be less than the piles of crap a dog leaves

2020-11-28 19:05:30 UTC  

And yet the left promotes and encourages rap music that demeans women and calls them whores and bitches

2020-11-28 19:06:05 UTC  

Not all rap music but a lot of it

2020-11-28 19:06:06 UTC  

Feminists: "This is a film for women, not you!"
Men: [skips out]
Feminists: <:Surprised_pikachu:726878373762301995>

2020-11-28 19:06:23 UTC  

Films should be for everyone

2020-11-28 19:06:29 UTC  

not a small group

2020-11-28 19:06:37 UTC  

otherwise ya gonna fail

2020-11-28 19:06:44 UTC  

Orange man bad

2020-11-28 19:06:49 UTC  

Hes a racist

2020-11-28 19:07:19 UTC  

and when you ask how

2020-11-28 19:07:26 UTC  

they never give a solid answer

2020-11-28 19:09:10 UTC  

I have a vid of this one girl saying that "ur a facist if u support trump" but then the girl she is talking to says "if u support joe biden then ur a pedo" and the best answer the liberal could give was "no"

2020-11-28 19:09:27 UTC  

Donald Trump releases a lot of black people on on extreme sentences from prison. Racist!
Joe BIden: Pens bill to incarcerate a lot of black people for longer periods of time. Not racist!

2020-11-28 19:10:31 UTC  

Trump: Okay, so putting black people into prison for years on end for petty crimes is wrong, I'm going to fix this mess

2020-11-28 19:10:45 UTC  

And says "i dont want my kids growing up in a racial jungle"

2020-11-28 19:10:57 UTC  


2020-11-28 19:11:08 UTC  


2020-11-28 19:11:27 UTC  
2020-11-28 19:11:43 UTC  

I don't want my kids lined up in a commie food line

2020-11-28 19:12:07 UTC  

Or taught communism is good

2020-11-28 19:12:46 UTC  

Supreme dictator loves you

2020-11-28 19:12:53 UTC  

if everyone is paid the same

2020-11-28 19:13:11 UTC  

there is no industry and no new ideas

2020-11-28 19:13:17 UTC  

only knock offs

2020-11-28 19:13:21 UTC  


2020-11-28 19:13:24 UTC  

I am not american but

2020-11-28 19:13:27 UTC