Message from @Vinz Clortho

Discord ID: 784297738367664158

2020-12-04 05:55:57 UTC  

I think the conspiracy theories get old

2020-12-04 05:56:01 UTC  

CNN said that Biden wants everyone to wear a mask for the first 100 days of his presidency and itโ€™s like bitch he isnโ€™t even president

2020-12-04 05:56:08 UTC  


2020-12-04 05:56:13 UTC  

Arkham Asylum

2020-12-04 05:56:15 UTC  

@Mcgoober I donโ€™t think he will be either but I am preparing for the worst

2020-12-04 05:56:18 UTC  

I'm not gonna wear a mask

2020-12-04 05:56:29 UTC  

Even if tapioca brain biden says i gotta

2020-12-04 05:56:32 UTC  

Biden can kiss my pasty white ass

2020-12-04 05:56:33 UTC  

I only wear a mask at work and when I go to the store. Everywhere else fuck that

2020-12-04 05:56:33 UTC  

I do get mad when people refer to Trump as Trump and Biden as "President Elect"

2020-12-04 05:56:45 UTC  

Lord baron president elect the third

2020-12-04 05:56:48 UTC  

If Gavin nuisance and Andrew Como cow cannot wear a mask then why do I have to

2020-12-04 05:56:49 UTC  

It's President Trump

2020-12-04 05:56:51 UTC  

and sniffer

2020-12-04 05:57:27 UTC  

Biden is qualified to become a bomb sniffer at airports

2020-12-04 05:58:09 UTC  

My big worry is that Bidenโ€™s gonna drag us back into the Middle East and start bombing everybody again like you did back in 2011

2020-12-04 05:58:45 UTC  

My worry is tax increases, bad covid stuff, and critical race theory

2020-12-04 05:58:47 UTC  

Hello time to go die in some desert shithole for no reason again

2020-12-04 05:58:51 UTC  

imagine if he instated a "white tax"

2020-12-04 05:59:09 UTC  

I'm pretty sure that's too crazy even for himm

2020-12-04 05:59:12 UTC  

There is a white tax. It is called income tax

2020-12-04 05:59:22 UTC  

<:KEK:726877368601411624> <:KEK:726877368601411624> <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-12-04 05:59:26 UTC  

My favorite thing still was there was a Hillary ad saying we need to get Trump out of office because of the millions of people who are refugees because of war but again Hillary you are the Benghazi lady

2020-12-04 05:59:31 UTC  


2020-12-04 05:59:32 UTC  


2020-12-04 05:59:34 UTC  

True, I see so many black people on years old temp tags

2020-12-04 05:59:57 UTC  

That wasn't meant to be racist

2020-12-04 06:00:08 UTC  

Because I know a lot of others work too

2020-12-04 06:00:10 UTC  

I'm not being racist

2020-12-04 06:00:16 UTC  

it's just a fact

2020-12-04 06:00:27 UTC  

Anyone who works is punished

2020-12-04 06:00:39 UTC  

It really hurts me that Democrats believe Trump is more of a Warhawk than Biden but yeah Biden and Obama bomb the shit out of the Middle East and Pakistan

2020-12-04 06:00:47 UTC  

Anyone who owns a business is punished

2020-12-04 06:00:53 UTC  

Why the fuck is income tax even a thing

2020-12-04 06:00:57 UTC  

Go away gubment

2020-12-04 06:01:08 UTC  

U didnt earn my money >:(

2020-12-04 06:01:33 UTC  


2020-12-04 06:01:39 UTC  

Do you know what also pisses me off when people who sit on their ass all day get welfare from money I made from working my ass off 40 hours a week

2020-12-04 06:01:58 UTC  

This is my home country... Trust me, nothing to worry about here...

2020-12-04 06:02:05 UTC  

I am paying to feed someone's kids that are not mine

2020-12-04 06:02:17 UTC  

If I have to pay for them I should be able to claim them